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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

The ribbon is a snake (French version)

A ribbon that becomes a snake. My mother dying in an unknown and dark house. My uncle and aunt lost in the dust.

Dream #1: The ribbon is a snake

The ribbon is a snake - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Dream: I am in a car. I arrive in Arrigas [ - a remote vacation village where I spent my vacations as a child ], drive through the village, past the town hall (as if I were doing a circuit. Before going to our vacation house which is outside the village), then leave the village following a backhoe and driving as if on big square cushions.
I notice something like a ribbon (of highway, of signal) on the shovel of the machine. Then, I arrive at this vacation house, (different from the one I know) carrying a gas bottle to replenish the stove or space heater (I don't know). I put it on the terrace, by flattening the kind of ribbon which is there now, at the level of the base of this bottle. I realize at this moment, that in fact, it is a snake that I have just crushed.

Dream #2 : Accompanying my dying mother

Accompanying my dying mother - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Dream: I am in an unfamiliar, dark house. My mother (pessimistic depolarization, hyperactivity, hardness, too much in duty) is lying in a bed. She is dying and I accompany her. She is wearing a white cap on her head. She has a dress that is unraveling and shows her chest. I cover her several times. Her head passes between the bars of the headboard and I replace it.

Then her face disappears into a large slit in the sheet. I go looking for it to replace it as well as possible. During all this time I am very calm. Then she dies.

After the funeral, I am outside. I see on the ground in the dust my aunt and uncle (severe depression, withdrawn, unresponsive, deep sense of injustice and anger at the situation, fighting evil through ignorance) who are tiny. They cry for help and I take them in the palm of my hand. They explain to me that they have a problem with the electrical transformer where they live. I want to help them. France (educator) says she doesn't understand anything about life and I want to explain it to her by lending her a book of angels. Then I decide to accompany my father (emotional dependence, depression) so that he doesn't remain alone.


A ribbon that becomes a snake. My mother dying in an unknown and dark house. My uncle and aunt lost in the dust.

Format: audio .mp3

Theme: Dreams, Signs, Symbols
Presented in French


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About Decode Your Dreams


Discover every two weeks a new conference on a different topic


More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


Broadcast in 1080p HD for an optimal viewing experience

An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols
Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny... Understanding your Dreams is a moment of encounter and exceptional knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.
Every two weeks since 2010
For many years Kaya has been presenting the "Decode Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.
Unlimited dreams and symbols
The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique conferences on various subjects that simultaneously touch on everyday life. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Don't hesitate to contact Kaya in the conference chat. Read more...

The ribbon is a snake (French version)

A ribbon that becomes a snake. My mother dying in an unknown and dark house. [...]



We are very excited to bring you these events in podcast format. With this update, you can now continue to study dreams while walking, cleaning, gardening, or doing any other quiet activity of daily life, or even on public transportation!

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Each podcast is illustrated and also presents the texts of the dreams that are studied. You can thus make your choice according to the themes and contents that interest you or that touch you the most at the moment. Listen to your intuition!

The "Understanding Your Dreams" podcasts have been presented alternately in English and French. Please note that the English and French podcasts may present different dreams.

You can use our search bar to find the different "Understanding your dreams" podcasts; the language will be indicated at the end of the title (except when the content is in French).