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One dream can change a life

Understand their meanings with our certified experts in Symbolic Language.

Dream on demand

Wherever you are in the world and at any moment, send your dream for analysis and receive a structured and nuanced interpretation of its meaning from our team of Symbolic Language™ experts.

Choose the length of your dream:

Short : 0-400 characters
Medium : 400-800 characters
Long : 800-1200 characters


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How does it work?

Analyze your dreams in 3 simple steps

1: Send your dream
A few moments after your purchase and the confirmation email, you will receive another email inviting you to fill out a form with your dream. Our advice: the details you provide when explaining your dream will enable a more precise interpretation.
2: Analysis
A certified expert in dream interpretation and Symbolic Language™ receives your request and begins analyzing your dream to send it to you within the chosen timeframe.
3: Interpretation
Once completed, your dream interpretation will be delivered to you either as an audio message or in writing within a secure and confidential PDF document. This way, you can access it whenever you want.

A certified expertise

All our experts have undergone a minimum of 7 years of deep training, along with official examinations granting them the title of Professor or Expert in the field of Dreams, signs, and symbols Interpretation (DSSI).


Engage with the experience of an officially certified expert from the UCM Center for Teaching and Research, with a minimum of 7 years of training in the field of dream analysis.


Receive precise insight into conscious and unconscious dynamics shaping our decisions. Benefit from over 100,000 dreams analyzed by our teams.


Delve into a moment of reflection and depth that unveils the secrets of our inner world. Each dream can represent a conscious or unconscious percentage of who we are.

The Benefits of Dream Analysis

By exploring our dreams, we unveil different facets of ourselves. Understanding the symbols, atmospheres, and themes that emerge in our dreams allows us to comprehend the underlying intentions within us. This deeper self-awareness can help us accept ourselves, strengths and weaknesses alike, enabling us to consciously work towards improvement on all levels.

Our dreams can mirror our emotions and perceptions towards those around us. Analyzing these dreams can provide better insight into our feelings for our loved ones and the dynamics influencing our relationships. This understanding can aid in improved communication, conflict resolution, and the cultivation of more harmonious and fulfilling relationships. Sometimes, we may even encounter someone in a dream, revealing deeper intentions, but often, dreaming of others reflects aspects of ourselves.

Dreams can shed light on complex dilemmas and choices in our lives. Through dream exploration, we can receive clear guidance on paths to take, opportunities presented, and paths to avoid or those that might lead to problems. This unique perspective can steer us towards enlightened decisions, grounded in a profound understanding of who we are and the life path we are constructing.

Dreams occasionally present solutions to specific problems symbolically. Decoding them can unveil new viewpoints and provide precise indications of decisions to make and qualities to develop in the given situation. These fresh perspectives can help us approach daily life challenges with renewed clarity and greater wisdom.

Dreams reflect our deep emotions, even those we struggle to consciously recognize. Immersing ourselves in dream analysis, understanding emotion-linked symbols, studying how we feel in dreams – all can help us identify and manage our emotions in a healthier manner. This heightened emotional awareness can reduce stress, enhance mental well-being, and establish lasting emotional equilibrium.

Dreams may harbor potent messages about our destiny and potential. If interpreted correctly, they can guide us towards new jobs, relationships, and more, all while respecting the concrete logic of our lives. Consequently, dreams aid us in constructing a more fulfilling future aligned with our deepest life aspirations.

Our unconscious speaks to us

We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Do you really believe that dreams wouldn't be useful for our evolution?

A dream is a unique and personalized message sent by our unconscious mind in the form of symbols. The way these symbols interconnect symbolically reveals the forces at work within us.

This, if we dream, for example, of a car, its condition, color, shape, qualities, weaknesses, behavior, etc. will define percentages of our conscious or unconscious personality. Depending on the context in which it appears, we should consider its positive (+) or negative (-) dimension, or a combination of both (+/-).

When we understand our dreams, we can better manage and transform our energy, attitudes, daily reactions, and make more thoughtful and logical decisions that are not guided by too impulsive or uncontrollable unconscious forces.

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Examples of symbols and their interpretation:

Note: This is a simplified interpretation to facilitate understanding. For more detailed information, please refer to our reference work, the Source Code Dictionary.

The car

The car represents how we progress in society since it allows us to commute to work, engage in leisure activities, gather supplies, attend meetings, go on trips, etc. A detailed symbolic analysis of the car (its make, color, size, power, etc.) informs us about our way of advancing in life and our social behavior.

Facilitates manifestation, advancement towards others, self-realization, enables reaching one's goals more quickly. Feelings of freedom, power, expansion. Ability to move forward effectively in terms of action. Good energy utilization. Evolution. Pleasant, benevolent, altruistic social attitude. Respect for societal conduct rules. Caution, foresight. Positive actions and approaches. Global vision and intuitive perception enabling anticipation and avoidance of dangerous situations and accidents.

Difficulty or inability to manifest oneself, to advance towards others. Haste, hyperactivity, or blockage, lack of motivation to socially advance and/or achieve goals with efficiency and speed. Need to impress others. Recklessness, lack of foresight, recklessness, dangerous behavior, chauvinism. Thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors that generate accidents on metaphysical and physical levels. Tendency to drive and move forward without awareness. Excessive focus on personal needs, selfishness, lack of consideration for others. Disrespect, insolence, malice. Misuse of energy in advancement, leading to missed opportunities.

The cat

The cat, like all animals, represents certain aspects of our vital energy and instinctual needs. It is a very independent, reserved, territorial, silent, flexible, and agile animal with an extraordinary sense of balance. Although generally gentle, affectionate, and playful, it tends to be solitary and can sometimes display capricious and cunning behavior.

Independence, autonomy, and balanced individualism. Ability to transform the negative. Flexibility, grace, balance, patience. Subtle perception ability, highly developed sense of sight, hearing, and touch. Calm, soothing, relaxing, and mysterious energy that encourages introspection. Proper balance between action and rest. Can play and have fun without excess. Gentle and affectionate nature.

Excessive independence and individualism, keeping others at a distance. Tendency to feed basic instincts and act under the influence of impulses and instinctual needs. Unpredictable, cunning, and even hypocritical attitude. Lack of listening and receptivity, stubbornness. Surprisingly aggressive and impulsive behavior. Wild spirit that both catches and repels, seeks to control and possess, enjoys playing the predator and having fun with its prey. Demonic energy associated with witchcraft, black magic, superstition, as well as unhealthy and perverse power games.


After your purchase, the form may take up to 3 minutes to arrive in your email inbox, as it goes through a secure verification process of your information. This gives you just enough time to select the right dream for analysis!

When you select the service Fast, your dream is analyzed within a maximum of 5 business days. This means that if you submit a dream on Friday, it will be ready no later than the following Friday.

For the service Priority, the maximum timeframe is 2 business days. If a dream is submitted on Friday, it will be received no later than the following Tuesday.

Yes, and you are not the only one! It is perfectly normal to have a lot of nightmares, as during the night, our subconscious opens up and we can perceive deeper and hidden realities within ourselves, as if we were entering the basement of a building where it can be darker, colder, etc.

But rest assured : nightmares are useful for our evolution. They represent only percentages (%) of who we are, our memories, and they are shown to us to help us improve.

It's as if a doctor were giving us a precise diagnosis of what we need to heal within ourselves. By better understanding the causes of our challenges, we can then more easily manage and transform them.

As with everything in life, remembering dreams is a learning process. Here are some tips to help you remember them more easily:

  1. Write them down! By writing down our dreams, we train our consciousness to remember them and prioritize them in our mind upon waking up. We can write them on paper as well as on a phone or tablet.
  2. Advance your wake-up time by 5 minutes and use this time to reflect on your dreams. Indeed, taking a few minutes upon waking up makes it easier to "capture" the information received in a dream. If we start our day too quickly and focus on everything we need to do, we are more likely to forget our dreams.
  3. Meditate for about 20 minutes per day. Meditation allows us to enter a state of consciousness similar to dreaming, and this practice helps us connect with our subconscious more easily. It also has remarkable benefits for mental and physical health. Of course, you can divide your meditation sessions into blocks of 5 or 10 minutes at different times of the day, or just before sleeping.
  4. Speak to yourself before going to sleep. Ask your subconscious to help you remember the messages it sends you. And if it doesn't work right away, persevere! All human beings dream every night, whether we are aware of it or not. Just practice until it becomes natural :)

A recurring dream is a profound message from our subconscious that reveals a more significant and prioritized percentage (%) to work on within ourselves. It's as if we receive a notification on our phone: if we ignore it and it's important, it will keep "ringing" until we address the situation. The same goes for dreams. Our subconscious can sometimes become overloaded, and dreams help us see what is causing blockages within us so that we can resolve them more effectively.

During the night, if we wake up with a dream in mind, we can write down key words to remember the different scenes. Your sleep is important: it is not recommended to start analyzing your dream in detail in the middle of the night.

Then, upon waking up in the morning, you can take a moment to add details to the scenes you remember. This will help you capture as much information as possible that your subconscious is sending you.

We recommend consulting our reference book, the Source Code Dictionary, which is a dream dictionary - signs - symbols benefiting from the expertise of hundreds of professors, psychologists, doctors, and psychiatrists over more than 25 years.

This worldwide best-seller allows us to better understand the Symbolic Language, to study the various symbols present in our dreams.

Each week, Professor Francis L. Kaya, founder of the UCM Teaching and Research Center and a globally recognized expert in the field of dream interpretation, presents a series of lectures titled "Decode your Dreams", live on Mondays. During these events, dreams from participants are analyzed in depth, providing us with a new perspective on human behavioral dynamics."

If you wish, there is also a conference titled "The 10 most common dreams" presented by Professor Anthony Di Benedetto, which explains the basics of dream interpretation by presenting the most common dreams of humanity.

Symbolically, one could say that all dreams are precognitive in a sense, as they reveal the unconscious forces at play within us and how they might influence our day. For instance, if we dream of a car moving too fast, we can anticipate being impatient, rushed, or stressed that day, and the dream would have been precognitive in that sense. It can help us better prepare, realign ourselves if we sense our energy becoming unstable at a certain point.

However, some dreams do reveal specific information about concrete events in advance. For more information on understanding these dreams, we recommend the lecture by Professor Kasara Di Benedetto titled "Premonition", which approaches the topic of precognitive dreams from a modern and current perspective.

Our advanced training

If you want to delve deeper into the understanding of your dreams, explore a set of courses designed by experts in symbolic language and dream interpretation.

The leading online training course on the Interpretation of Dreams, Signs and Symbols (DSSI) with weekly individual follow-up.

3 months to understand the deep meaning of your dreams and how their analysis can help in your daily life.

A training to help young people aged 9 to 18 better understand themselves and make the right choices in life.

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Contact us at and our team will answer you in the next 24 to 48 hours.