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Example of signs

Through these simple stories, we discover that everything is a symbol and that our life on Earth has a deep meaning.

An unexpected sign

One day, a lady told me: "I wanted to move, but my husband did not agree. So I didn't impose anything, but I asked life: "Give me a sign!"

Soon after, the sewers were completely blocked. So the husband resigned himself to move out.

That's what signs are all about. That's how it works. You ask, you think, you wait, you listen and that's it!

A behavior can also be a sign

One woman told me that she had brought back some very special chocolate for her child and another gift for her husband. Some time later, when I arrived at their home, she offered me a piece of the chocolate and explained what had happened: "You know, (she laughed a little) my husband ate most of the chocolate. My daughter and I were not happy about that."

I listened to them and then said to the woman, "It's fine to give your daughter a gift and your husband another. But, once that was done, why didn't you have that spirit of sharing and say to him, 'The chocolate is yours too.'"

As soon as we set conditions and restrict someone, as when we say: "This is mine and this is yours", we create prohibitions and this leads to envy.

So I said to her: "But if we go a little further, maybe you should ask yourself some questions: when you seek comfort in sweets, it's a sign. Maybe some sweets are not given freely enough - unconditionally - in your relationship."

In simple everyday acts like this, we can detect the presence of an emotional deficiency. Food is the emotional side: sometimes we seek refuge in food simply because we need tenderness and affection. 

A sign about a job

I would like to share with you an example of someone I met recently who was looking for a job.

She said, "I hadn't found a job yet, but I knew I would. In the meantime, despite my low income, I changed my couch, and did some renovations and my spring cleaning. I kept going anyway; it obviously involved some expense, but I wanted to keep the energies flowing."

One should never block energies. If we block a natural movement because of a fear or an anxiety, we block these same energies in the subtle planes.

I saw this person again later and she told me: "I went to offer my services as a waitress in a big hotel where it is not easy to find a job because it is in high demand. I went there with no expectations. I said to myself, 'If they can't accommodate me, I'll go visit someone I know in that area.'"

She didn't have any expectations; she didn't say to herself, "Oh, I don't have a job anymore: I'm going, I need this job. No, she went as one goes for a walk. And that's the way it should always be, but it requires that you have done some work on yourself. Sometimes, when fear invades us, we can no longer be like that, to feel light.

She said, "Sure, I was made to wait a little bit because I didn't have an appointment; it was an unsolicited offer."

Unsolicited offers are wonderful. When I worked in human resources, when I was hiring people, I really liked the people who came in and made unsolicited offers to provide their services. I thought it was a sign of motivation. It gave you an extra tick.

So she waited. She said, "I waited because the boss wasn't available. But precisely because I was made to wait, all of a sudden - see the beautiful synchronicity - just as the boss came to meet me to offer me an interview, another person - an employee of the establishment - was passing by, he recognized me and said, "It was you who had the creperie near here?" That was it: the deal was in the bag!"

Just because of the fame she had, she was hired right away.

I know this story sounds easy and light, but it's always about your inner attitude. Always. When you apply for a job, if you don't feel good, it's better to wait a little bit, get motivated, feel rich and go with that richness of mind. That's important.

Then we'll get some good stuff.

That's what prosperity is: it's a look, a way of thinking, a way of being; it's a whole gesture, a whole attitude.