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Modern and inspiring events, presented live and in high definition quality. Find our upcoming events or access our archive containing thousands of hours of lectures given over the past 20 years.

Moments that recharge. Deeply.

Decode your Dreams

Every night, you dream and experience intense things, but you don't always know how to understand them... Discover the multi-dimensions of dreams through these conferences presented live every 2 weeks.


Web Conferences

Lectures on profound and multi-dimensional topics, presented by experts in Symbolic Language accredited by our Teaching and Research Center.


Understanding Angels

Modern and inspiring courses presented by Christiane Muller, to understand what an Angel represents, and how their energy can manifest itself in our daily lives.


Seminars & Retreats

Face-to-face or Live Streaming Seminars. Retreats in exceptional locations. Take part in conferences, sharing sessions, meditations, yoga workshops, as well as workshops for children and adults on extraordinary subjects...


Take some time to be receptive, in a beautiful and rejuvenating natural setting with these UCM hikes.


Angelcia Mantra concerts recorded live. Discover a new way of doing mantras in a modern and inspiring way.

A unique expertise in the world

The UCM Teaching and Research Center is the world reference in the interpretation of dreams through symbolic language. Our team of experts is composed of psychologists, professors and health professionals who have been working for years in the development of technologies and research on Emotional Intelligence, Symbolic Language and Meditation.

Dreams analyzed since 2009
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Course Hours & Conferences
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Students in Training
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