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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

Understanding the evolution of a soul through its dreams

Explanations about memories. Analyze different dreams of the same person over a period of 3 years. And understand the history of a soul.


Description of the conference

Did you know that through a person's dreams, we can understand their memories? To understand what the person has gone through, what trials they have experienced, but also the merits they have cultivated. What was the way he built his life, in connection with experiences that go beyond even what the person knows about himself in his present incarnation...

Through this touching and profound conference, Geoffrey will explain the mechanisms of memories and their profound influences in the construction of our life, by presenting several dreams of the same person, received through a period of 3 years. He will present the journey of this soul and how each dream brought him further in his understanding of himself and his memories, to announce very deep steps of recovery of a potential buried since several lives...

Come live a real experience of archaeology of consciousness, to discover how dreams allow us to understand in depth the history of a soul.

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About the conference
11 June 2020
Montreal : 15:00
Paris : 21:00
Presented in French

A conference presented by


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Understanding the evolution of a soul through its dreams

Explanations about memories. Analyze different dreams of the same person over a period of 3 years. And understand the history of a soul.
