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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

The meeting (French version)

A special meeting. A cosmonaut suit. And a family controversy.

Dream #1 : The meeting

The meeting - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Share: I received this dream during a time when I was consciously working on the expression and expansion of feminine energy in the being.

Dream: I met a girl of my age (20s) in a collective building. I don't remember the context of the meeting. I just know that I was the one who initiated the conversation, which I find surprising since I often have a hard time approaching people. She seems nice; she is not very tall, quite thin and seems a bit fragile; she has blonde hair. There is something special that makes me feel very comfortable with her very quickly, as if we have been friends for a while already.

She has to go to an appointment (physio, or something like that) in the village where I live. I hesitate to offer to take her there since I have a car, especially since there's not much traffic at this time. But I still have things to do so I would have to come back right after. I ask her how she plans to get there; she tells me she'll take public transportation. I think about it and say to myself that the journey is well done by public transport, so I don't propose to bring her back saying to me that it's fine like that, it's not necessary to want to do too much. We agree that she will come to my place after her appointment.

I am in the bedroom of my concrete house on the first floor. I accidentally put melted wax all over a large mat in my room which I use mainly for meditation and yoga. I also know that I put wax all over the bathroom which is on the same floor. I come down from the first floor. I turn on the computer to search the internet for ways to remove the wax.

By the time it lights up, I go into the laundry room and ask my mom directly what products to use to remove the wax. I'm in a hurry, I think I have to clean the wax before it hardens, because it will be more difficult to do it afterwards. My mother shows me the two household products to use and tells me to be more careful: the last time I used them, I put them down in the wrong place. I ask her where I should put them back; she shows me and I try to memorize the locations.

I am now outside, in front of the door of the house. I put on the suit I used during my internship this summer to go to a cold room in an ice study laboratory. It is a very thick flashy orange suit, much too big for me and that always reminded me of a cosmonaut suit.

I put it on to go clean the wax. When I finish putting it on, a gray car arrives. I recognize the car of the girl I met (even if theoretically I could never see her car). There are actually 5-6 people in the car. Except for the girl, it seems to me that they are all men of the same age. I'm a little embarrassed because I didn't expect her to come with so many people.

My father arrives from home; I had not informed him that someone was coming, because I knew that it would not be a problem for my parents to welcome a friend. I tell him a little embarrassed... " Oh yes, I didn't tell you, but a friend is coming tonight". We say hello to the men; I am disturbed, as my grip is surprisingly weak and I shake their hands with my fingertips. I feel judged. I also wonder what effect my outfit is having, whether it looks offbeat or gives a mysterious, expert edge. At one point, I realize that the men have left with the car; I tell myself that they must have come only to bring the girl.

I am back in my room to remove the wax. I think to myself that I should have paid more attention to the girl; she is important to me and yet I have not spoken to her, nor have I shown any consideration. She comes to me. I am sitting on the floor cleaning and I realize that a sheet covers my lower body, but underneath, my pants and underpants are a bit down and I have an erection (although I didn't notice having any particular thoughts or desire). While I talk to the girl, I am careful not to let the sheet go down so that it remains hidden; I try a little to pull up my pants, but it is difficult without being noticed. I tell her I won't be long, but I have to clean the wax before it cools down. She leaves and I can put my pants back on normally.

I am in the entrance of the house on the first floor with the girl. We are talking and very quickly, she hugs and kisses me; she even puts a hand inside one of my thighs. As much as hugging her brought me a lot of comfort, I don't feel the desire to kiss her as she does: I find it excessive. I try to calm her down by saying "tchhhhh... Slow down, it's going too fast".
I try to stop her and at the same time, in order not to reject her, to comfort her by hugging her and caressing her back; I also kiss her on the cheek.

My father arrives: he has a slight smile when he sees us. I don't feel so embarrassed; I tell myself that I'm doing my best to handle the situation and in that sense I don't have to judge myself.

We go in the dining room: the place setting for the supper is inside whereas the food is outside. I point it out to my father who decides to move the table outside. We are around a white table on the outside terrace for the supper. There is my father, my sister Sylvia, my mother, the girl I met and another girl I feel like I know, but I don't know where from. She is also about my age and seems nice and balanced.

The girl I met is on my left, but there are one or two people between us; we don't talk during the meal and I feel a bit isolated. A stewpot on the table contains a dish of fennel and carrot; my father and sister tell me that they have (I don't remember why) put Nutella in it while cooking. I tell them that I won't take it then. They laugh and say that the last time I ate fennel and carrots, it was already from that dish (with Nutella) without me knowing it. They add that even though the Nutella gave it a bit of a bitter edge, it also gives it a nice caramelized taste.

My mother is on another table behind me. She is talking about a spiritual movement developed in China that she has been obsessed with recently; it seems very extreme and so does her behavior. My father and I are trying to reason with her. I go and eat on the table where she is eating and tell her that the main thing is to try to be balanced. Of course, this goes hand in hand with a spiritual approach, but the main thing is to try to be balanced.

She kept coming up with arguments to defend this spiritual movement. Desperate, my father said to me: "Jean-Philippe, do something! I answer that I cannot force her; in the end it is up to her to make her choices. After a while, I get up and say to my mother: " Really remember that the solution can never, never, never come from outside " (I'd love to talk explicitly about spirituality, but since no one at the table except my mom is interested in it (I don't know if my friend is), I'm trying to find more common language.

I sit down at the table where the others are, this time next to my friend who asks me what I said. I start to repeat to her, but someone else is talking, so I interrupt. I still think that I have neglected her again, whereas she shows me a lot of attention. My mother continues to come out with arguments; I then say to her to make her understand that her arguments are empty: " Concretely, what did you learn from them? (those of the spiritual movement) ". She stops for a moment and smiles, because she can't think of an answer; I tell her, "Here it is: nothing".

My friend and I and some other people (I think) are watching an action movie. I only remember one scene near the end of the movie. Two trains are moving in the same direction in parallel. The camera shoots the scene perpendicular to the two trains. In the first train is the "bad guy", in the second the "good guy". Neither of them knows that the other is in the next car. The "good guy" sees the "bad guy" sitting in the other train through a window and hides behind a seat. Then he pulls out some kind of gun barrel and places it about the bottom of his stomach or crotch and points it at the "bad guy".
The preparation of the gun takes some time and before it is finished, the two trains have shifted slightly so that the "good guy" is no longer in the right place to shoot. The cycle repeats itself: the "good guy" moves to the same level as the "bad guy" to be able to shoot him from the other train, he starts his preparations again, but the trains shift. It is in fact the "bad guy" who has noticed that he is being shot at and who, without moving, can change the course of his train to avoid being shot at.


A special meeting. A cosmonaut suit. And a family controversy.

Format: audio .mp3

Theme: Dreams, Signs, Symbols
Presented in French


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More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


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An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols
Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny... Understanding your Dreams is a moment of encounter and exceptional knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.
Every two weeks since 2010
For many years Kaya has been presenting the "Decode Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.
Unlimited dreams and symbols
The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique conferences on various subjects that simultaneously touch on everyday life. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Don't hesitate to contact Kaya in the conference chat. Read more...

The meeting (French version)

A special meeting. A cosmonaut suit. And a family controversy. [...]



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The "Understanding Your Dreams" podcasts have been presented alternately in English and French. Please note that the English and French podcasts may present different dreams.

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