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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

Work in the attic (French version)

Beautiful pine boards, cut like magic. I dream that my brother is abusing me. Illegally altering a work of art.

Dream #1: Work in the attic

Work in the attic - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Sharing: In the past, I have owned a house that needed a lot of repairs. I have always wanted to improve it, but never really succeeded to my liking. At the time I had this dream, I was invoking the Angel Anauel.

Dream: I dream that I am working in the attic or rather in the attic, near the gable of my old house. Several people are helping me, but I can't see them. I give the instructions and the work is done immediately. Modifications are made, then following the insulation, beautiful pine boards are cut and nailed in place as if by magic. There are even beautiful drawings on some of the boards.

It's like I'm always putting more back in. The wood comes to me like this, cut to the right size and nailed without much effort on my part. Those who help me are invisible. I speak to them and they carry out my orders. At the end of the dream, I am still modifying the roof near the highest interior point and finalizing it by adding beautiful pine boards wherever they can be placed.

Dream #2: Brother's abuse

Brother's abuse - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Sharing: I would like you to help me understand a message in a dream that someone has been trying to give me for almost 9 years.

Dream : before sharing my dream with you, I must inform you of an event in my life. When I was 6 years old, I was raped by a friend's brother. He was 14-16 years old and he was raping her sister (my friend). She suffered a lot from this situation. I forgot this event in my life for 10 years. I used the defense mechanism: repression. After 5 long years of darkness, I forgave my friend and her brother. I hold no grudges against them. I understand that for my friend, it allowed her to share her pain with me. And for my abuser, I tell myself that to do this, his soul must be in incredible pain.

Sharing: this is my dream and I have been having this type of dream since I met my husband (for about 9 years). I won't go into too much detail because it would be long and unpleasant to write.

Dream: It's very simple, I dream that my brother is abusing me. I don't want to, but it's as if I don't have the power to refuse his advances. I'm in his thrall. It is disgusting!

Sharing: When I wake up, I feel dirty. I used to have this dream once a week, until one day I begged my guides to stop, because I couldn't take it anymore and I was starting to feel disgust towards my brother. In reality, my brother is really an AMAZING person, nothing like the one in my dreams. He is an example of pure virtue. Sometimes I also have dreams where my father wants to abuse me. My father and my brother are two beautiful, kind and evolved souls. I don't understand these dreams very well.

The other thing you need to know is that my partner and I have been trying to have a child for almost 5 years. For a while I thought that maybe there were traces in my energy of this trauma that prevented my pregnancy. Then I thought of karma, due to a bad life (like a person who committed incest). Then I let go and as I mentioned, I asked my guides to stop sending me these dreams. Which they did right away!

However, recently I asked them, in the middle of the night, to send me an answer in my dream to explain a situation I was experiencing (my fear of not being able to take my ring off my finger, it may sound ridiculous I know) and they sent me a very precise explanation from a past life. So I thanked them for the explanation and asked them to show me in my dreams (seeing how easy it was to get an answer) why I couldn't get pregnant. And after a year of peace, on the same night of my request, I had a dream that my brother was abusing me. I hadn't had these dreams for a year. I see it as an answer, but I don't understand it !!!!!!!!!!!!

What is interesting is that in this dream, after I had this sexual relationship I was extremely afraid of getting pregnant by my brother. So I went to the bathroom to expel the semen and took the morning-after pill. This dream took place in my childhood home and the sex took place in our parents' bed (our parents' room in our childhood home). I asked my guides to clarify the dream, because I did not understand their answer.

During the night I dreamed that my father married me and I was disgusted ????????????? I am discouraged! They want to send me a message and I don't understand anything. And I really don't like having these dreams, it's traumatic. I see a correlation in my dreams and my rape, but I don't see the link with my infertility (which by the way is misunderstood by doctors). The last little point I want to mention is that I've noticed that whenever I talk about these incest dreams, I become completely frozen. I can go so far as to shiver!!! The air around me gets VERY COLD. It's very weird.

Dream #3: Moving books

Moving books - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Dream: I'm in a white house from the south of France in the 70s. It's very sunny outside. I have to participate in a move with my husband to help an English-speaking couple move books in English. I know they have two little girls, but only one of them is present, the smallest. The other one I see in the parents' mind, she is near a fountain outside with a sunburn on her face, she is smiling. I go up a few steps and I ask the man "will there be people to help us?" and he answers me verbatim "it's not time" I was surprised by the turn of the answer.

Dream #4: The illegal modification

Illegal modification - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Sharing: before going to sleep, I asked myself if it was right for the Evolution of my Soul to move forward with a certain project... It is a project that requires a lot of investment of time and money and I want to be sure that this is what Heaven wants me to do... Lately, I have to give answers to people as to whether or not the project is going to materialize (suppliers, premises, etc.) and this worries me a lot.I don't want to miss the momentum, nor do I want to commit to a project that is not part of my life plan...

Dream: I dreamed that I was going to illegally modify a painting (work of art) in a big house. In the dream, the house belongs to my concrete mother-in-law (she is a woman in great transformation, with all the strength of materialization... Sometimes, I could be a little afraid to assert myself after her because she has all this strength... She is also a woman who had a beautiful abundance and now lives more initiatory periods at the professional level... She is a company director...).

Then I see myself hiding in a bathtub, with salad leaves in my hands. It is dark and I am hidden. My sister-in-law enters the room (the bathtub is like hidden in a corner, a closet or a small side room with the door open). (My sister-in-law is also a very active woman in the matter, who has a great logical and structural strength... She also went to HEC). I tense up a little, hoping that she doesn't see me. Inside, I am in great pain, almost close to madness. She finally sees a face, she is afraid... I tell her that I had come to finish modifying the painting.

We meet in the room in question. She goes to look at the painting and I think I'm making the final changes. Inwardly, I intend to shoot myself in the head with a small pistol as soon as everything is finished. I feel like I'm in a vacuum, there's nothing left to hold me down... At one point, my mother-in-law also arrives. I finally confide in them: "I had the will to kill myself, but I was not able to". My eyes are in the water and I cry a little, because I would have liked to be able to leave...

Part 2: the owners of the apartment where I live are moving out. I see them busy outside throwing away old objects, selling or giving away furniture... Some of it belonged to my mother-in-law. I know that my mother-in-law's former spouse does not agree. He thinks it's ours and they don't have to get rid of it! My mother-in-law is quite happy...

She tells me how happy she is: all this renewal! She is happy that they are getting rid of her own mother's old furniture, etc... I share her joy... I tell myself inside that it is a new beginning... I am woken up by the owner of one of the two premises that I had to visit (this one, I had had signs that it was not the right one, whereas the one I went to visit before is perfect) and who announced to me that she had rented it. The first space I visited would be perfect for my business...

It is a beautiful white and blue and the rent is not expensive. I could, even temporarily live there if necessary, in order to reduce the cost of my own rent... I would have to go back to a great simplicity, there is no shower, so I would wash with a washcloth, I would only have my futon and a computer, etc. At the same time, I get a lot of job offers in the field I studied in, but part of me doesn't want to do that... Also, what worries me is that to get started, I will have to take out a loan of about 20,000$...


Beautiful pine boards, cut like magic. I dream that my brother is abusing me. Illegally altering a work of art.

Format: audio .mp3

Theme: Dreams, Signs, Symbols
Presented in French


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About Decode Your Dreams


Discover every two weeks a new conference on a different topic


More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


Broadcast in 1080p HD for an optimal viewing experience

An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols
Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny... Understanding your Dreams is a moment of encounter and exceptional knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.
Every two weeks since 2010
For many years Kaya has been presenting the "Decode Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.
Unlimited dreams and symbols
The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique conferences on various subjects that simultaneously touch on everyday life. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Don't hesitate to contact Kaya in the conference chat. Read more...

Work in the attic (French version)

Beautiful pine boards, cut as if by magic. I dream that my brother [...]



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Each podcast is illustrated and also presents the texts of the dreams that are studied. You can thus make your choice according to the themes and contents that interest you or that touch you the most at the moment. Listen to your intuition!

The "Understanding Your Dreams" podcasts have been presented alternately in English and French. Please note that the English and French podcasts may present different dreams.

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