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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

Un éléphant à la gare (French version)

The elephant tips the train. Monster costumes. An Angel with one leg.

Dream #1: An elephant at the station

An elephant at the station - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Dream: I was on a train where there were many people. I was looking for a seat when I heard a shout: "There is an elephant". I looked outside and saw an elephant standing at the window trying to tip the train over. I tried to get out of the train, the door was closed.

I found myself outside, I don't know how. There were a lot of people on the track running, which I did too. Then I found myself at the top on a wall, a person at the bottom shouted at me to jump. After a moment of hesitation I jumped. I ended up at the bottom on my own two feet, no problem.

Then I continued to run and I found myself in a large corridor, with many people on my right, and a little less on my left with me in the middle. The people who were on my right, were running in a well aligned row, those on my left less numerous, were less ordered. As for me, I was in the middle, there was nobody in front, I could run without being embarrassed, and my dream stops there.

Dream #2: Halloween Monsters

Halloween monsters - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Dream:  I am in a local, small, white bus in my town. There are several people on it, including my mother and my sister Virginie. Virginia yells out the small window opening to the other bus behind us, which is the same one I'm sitting in, saying it's her turn to play.

They were playing together, between buses, taking turns hitting the ball, we're heading in another direction while the other bus is turning right onto another street. So we can't play anymore.

I'm walking down St. Charles, a main street, at night. It's Halloween and there are lots of people dressed as monsters walking in the opposite direction to me. The street is full, I regret not having thought about a costume before, I would have liked to be in costume too. A monster runs in the opposite direction to me and I give him a "High Five". Suddenly, I realize that several monsters change direction and are now running in the same direction as me. I wake up.

Dream #3: A drawing as a gift

A drawing as a gift - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Share: One of my son's friends gave me a drawing because when he came to the house he noticed that I liked angels. My son told me that he had spoken to him, that he had many dreams, he drew me an angel who flies in the sky which is all white, he has in his two arms a yellow harp like his hair, two musical notes, also white eighth notes. The angel has only one leg and at the bottom of the drawing there is a yellow square like sand and dark blue, like water and brown like earth. The angel has white wings and is in profile. He gave it to me as a gift because he had promised it to me. I was touched that he didn't forget... I have to see him again and I will be even more attentive to his attitude because he is rejected by everyone at school. Does the fact that the angel has only one leg mean that he is having trouble moving forward with his spirituality?

Dream #4: I'm not dead

I'm not dead - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Dreamer's Share: I had a dream that disturbed me. My father passed away in October 2012 and this is my dream.

Dream: In a dream, he told me that he was not dead as if he had not realized that he was no longer of this world. I was the only one who saw him and I told the others what he told me. It disturbs me because I wouldn't want dad to be unhappy where he is. I loved my father and I miss him.

Dream #5: the cold night

The cold night - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Dreamer's Share: I am aware that the characters in my dream are all parts of me. I probably won't recognize myself in the part of the dream where it is night. However, it is important for me to understand this dream even if it means talking to me about parts of myself that are distorted. Thank you so much for your understanding of this long evolutionary process. Now I'm starting to understand how concrete energy is and how it can hurt/destroy the other person in the negative. Of course, there is always the plus and the minus. Everything is still not very clear for me, but I know now that I have already hurt energetically. I would like to clarify my thoughts about this so that I don't repeat these behaviors anymore. I have been working with Pahaliah for almost a year and a half. I am 34 years old.

The Dream: I went with a group of UCMs outside during the night to help. It was as if we were in a vast field on the land. There were no houses nearby and the trees were further away. Then I found myself sitting as if in an upright chair (there was the seat and backrest) but in the air as if I were sitting in the shovel of a tractor with the shovel up. I know I was not alone and that one or more people were sitting with me but I could not see them.

I saw several stars in the sky. It was cold and considering what we had to do, I knew it was going to be long and not easy. I wondered if we had any equipment with us. I realized that I was sitting and leaning on a blanket and there was something else like a coat or something like that but I couldn't see it. Kaya was there working on the project. I could see him, he was very concrete but at the same time I didn't know where he was precisely in space. He was like the actual Kaya.

Then the little group was on the ground and a car with the headlights on arrived. They were coming to help us but I had the feeling that they had forgotten something. They were related to the fact that I was seeing the Kitchen where I grew up with my parents. I was an observer at the time (in reality it was a nice, big, tidy house, but from a human relations point of view, it was at times very unhealthy).

It was night outside. It's like if there are two babies that just woke up and they're near or on the counter but I can't see them clearly. I see more one than two but there are two. It's like they are going to go help the MCU group outside soon. They have a modern technology object on their head with a metal rod in front of their mouth so they can communicate with people outside the kitchen. There is a question about how they will see this technology. (healthy or not). I then explain that it will depend on how we talk to them about it. It was very clear in my head and I was happy with it. We can raise them so that they have a beautiful wisdom, humility about these things and that they are good tools to work with.

Kaya finds himself close to them but it is not clear. It is as if because there are two of them, he will have difficulty communicating with them and to settle it he communicates as if doing something at the energy level (metaphysically) between the two babies.

The group was then in the same place outside standing. The group was larger. One young man was not functioning well in the group. There was something wrong with his personality but I didn't quite understand what. Kaya was taking care of him. The group was then in the same place outside in the field at night lying on their stomachs on the ground. It was cold. It was hard. We were next to each other. Kaya touched the bottom of the young man's feet for support. I was the person who was right next to the young man. He then touched the bottom of my feet and it was like he was giving me support as he passed by and he was aware that it's been a long time since I've been there (I don't show up in the group in the dream or very little because I feel very trės big wounds inside me.)

It was such a difficult atmosphere that night. The whole group was up. It was cold outside. Kaya wasn't there with us, but I knew that he was working a little bit further away as if it was more in the sky and it was very concrete but at the same time metaphysical. We were gently hugging each other, supporting each other. I was afraid and then someone said that we heard something. I paid attention and we could hear a whisper.

At first I thought it was something else but it was the way of Voldemort and it was really concrete like in Harry Potter, the same phrases as in Harry Potter and I was scared. I knew he was saying the Voldemort also called the "Dark Lord", is a Voldemort has always had the gift of seducing the people he needed. For him, there is no right or wrong, only power.

Another scene: I was observing as if I was in the sky and had a global view of the scene that was unfolding in the city. There was a lot of action around It was daytime outside. adults (women I think) in the group talking to other people in the MCU group by walky talky. People were supporting each other to get into their homes safely.

The 2 people were walking on the sidewalk and saying that this is the last communication because they were close to home. While they were saying this, I saw a man in front of them whose skin was a little darker and I knew that he was going to interfere with their safety.

Then, it was as if without touching the 2 women, the man weakened them by using the energy without touching them. As the two women slowly fell to the ground, they were saying in the walky talky that something was wrong. They were both lying on the ground and I could see another man nearby on the sidewalk. I knew he saw the bad man walking away down the street and he didn't necessarily have to put himself in harm's way and catch him, but it was his intent that I sensed was not right in my eyes. He had no intention of doing anything even to think of a solution in relation to ľhuman leaving. He was closed on the side where ľhomme left. I don't know if I saw his head concretely bending down on the opposite side where ľhomme left or if his head inside ľ'him was bending but concretely staying straight in the direction of the women. There was an opening on the women's side. The moment the two women were able to get up from the ground, the male witness gave them their baby back.

Another scene: I am an observer. It's daytime. There's like a police officer in training. I recognize his too much energy that puts him out of step with others because it's similar to the energy I have on occasion and have difficultyė managing sometimes depending on the context/ambiance.

Dreamer's Share: In concrete terms, I don't always succeed and I'm not always socially adequate because it's too much. It's stronger than my abilities and it makes me unhappy. On the other hand, sometimes I have no energy at all depending on the context. I know that the policeman's attitude is distorted and at the same time I feel what he feels inside that is so hard to handle. I understand him well but I know that he will have to do some work to change.

He's in the back of the police van and he's very active, very cheerful kind of like someone who wants to do something right away, he was too motivė and at the same time it was like someone who wanted to play a trick. There were men from the police who opened the back door of the van as if there was some notion of things to put in the van. These people were more mature and wise. Then I see the van drive off slowly down the road and the young man was all excitedė standing in the back because the police had let him off with a little dog that was not tied up with him in the back. It was the fact that the little dog was not tied up that the young man liked so much. The idea that there was a significance to the dog's hair came to mind.


The elephant tips the train. Monster costumes. An Angel with one leg.

Format: audio .mp3

Theme: Dreams, Signs, Symbols
Presented in French


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About Decode Your Dreams


Discover every two weeks a new conference on a different topic


More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


Broadcast in 1080p HD for an optimal viewing experience

An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols
Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny... Understanding your Dreams is a moment of encounter and exceptional knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.
Every two weeks since 2010
For many years Kaya has been presenting the "Decode Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.
Unlimited dreams and symbols
The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique conferences on various subjects that simultaneously touch on everyday life. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Don't hesitate to contact Kaya in the conference chat. Read more...

Un éléphant à la gare (French version)

The elephant tips the train. Monster costumes. An Angel with one leg. [...]



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Each podcast is illustrated and also presents the texts of the dreams that are studied. You can thus make your choice according to the themes and contents that interest you or that touch you the most at the moment. Listen to your intuition!

The "Understanding Your Dreams" podcasts have been presented alternately in English and French. Please note that the English and French podcasts may present different dreams.

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