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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

Two dreams (French version)

My mother with a black visor. Drowned among grey souls. My brother captured and beaten.

Dream #1: Two dreams


Sharing: I had two very simple dreams, but their meaning escapes me in part. I'm sure they can help me move forward.

Dream : In the first dream, I see my mother, she is dressed in a magnificent way, beautiful shimmering colors emerge from her, but she has a black visor (a cap without anything to protect her head, the one of the sportsmen), she doesn't realize that it spoils her outfit and that it even makes her ridiculous.

In the second dream, I walk on something and I realize that it is a gigantic black horse, this one rises and I remain on it but I am not afraid I look it right in the eyes because I know that I can control it and indeed it sits down very slowly.

Dream #2: Hell

The hell-Comprehend your dreams-Kaya

Share: Lucid dream, usually I control my dreams but not this one. I would call it "hell". The day after this dream I learn that my boyfriend was in a car accident and is in a coma and in the same week I learn that my mom has cancer. I don't know if this is related. I am 21 years old and this is not my first nightmare. Thanks for the interpretation.

Dream: Lying in my bed, I feel something rising. It's not water but like grey souls, it's rising to the point of drowning me. I stand up and the level has followed, my feet no longer touch the ground, I feel like I am in an ocean. I realize I am in a bad dream and I tell myself I need to wake up, I pinch myself and it doesn't work, usually it always works and I wake up. I panic and try to find another way to wake up: I have to open my eyes.

I take my two hands and I try to open my eyelids and there, I really have the feeling to be awake, but no, I find myself sitting on a chair as if someone holds me, unable to move. There is a man who asks me questions (like the demon). I don't understand what he is saying. Another man tattoos the question on my chest. It's bleeding, I feel like I'm in hell, there's fire, it's red everywhere. I take my two hands again to try to open my eyelids, I am aware that I am sleeping. I touch my eyes and they are closed. There, I wake up lying in my bed all sweaty, I say to myself: It is normal I have just made a big nightmare, I become more and more soaked and my bed becomes like an ocean; still the feeling to drown me as at the beginning of the dream.

I try again to open my eyes with my hands, being sure that this time I was really awake. I get up to get a glass of water and as I walk out of my room, I see a guy I went to high school with (just an acquaintance) and I think to myself "Tabarnacle" I am still in a dream. The guy is eating an apple and the shadow of the apple on the wall looks like a bat silhouette and then I pass out and wake up for real.

Dream #3: Coach Captured

Dream: I see my brother who has to leave to coach a youth group. My brother is a handball coach. Then my brother announces by phone that he has been captured and beaten and that he is going to die. I find myself in my current room and I want to move the furniture and there I see my father (my father is a very negative person for me) coming out of the bathroom shirtless. He stops and wants to come into my room to comment. It makes me so angry. I don't want him to get into my privacy. Then I make him leave and he goes to the living room. I'm in the living room of my childhood. My mother gets a phone call saying he's still alive and she hands me the phone to please my mother but it's not my help he needs and I hand the phone back to him. There, he asks my mom for help to drive him to his training because it's dark. The last scene takes place during the day. My mother goes to pick up my brother and I ask her if she wants me to call my sister-in-law to find out what really happened. She tells me no, that he will talk when he wants to. I don't want to listen to her.


My mother with a black visor. Drowned among grey souls. My brother captured and beaten.

Format: audio .mp3

Theme: Dreams, Signs, Symbols
Presented in French


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About Decode Your Dreams


Discover every two weeks a new conference on a different topic


More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


Broadcast in 1080p HD for an optimal viewing experience

An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols
Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny... Understanding your Dreams is a moment of encounter and exceptional knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.
Every two weeks since 2010
For many years Kaya has been presenting the "Decode Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.
Unlimited dreams and symbols
The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique conferences on various subjects that simultaneously touch on everyday life. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Don't hesitate to contact Kaya in the conference chat. Read more...

Two dreams (French version)

My mother with a black visor. Drowned among gray souls. My brother captured and [...]



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Each podcast is illustrated and also presents the texts of the dreams that are studied. You can thus make your choice according to the themes and contents that interest you or that touch you the most at the moment. Listen to your intuition!

The "Understanding Your Dreams" podcasts have been presented alternately in English and French. Please note that the English and French podcasts may present different dreams.

You can use our search bar to find the different "Understanding your dreams" podcasts; the language will be indicated at the end of the title (except when the content is in French).