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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

Vietnamese restaurant owners (French version)

Injustice towards asian people. In couple with Jici Lauzon. Airbag around my hips.

Dream #1 : Vietnamese restaurant owners

Vietnamese restaurant owners - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

It is midday, I am invited by Vietnamese who are modest restaurant owners, to eat in their modest snack in the Asian district. While they open their place, I see opposite, other Asians, who also have a snack and who call the police because they do not appreciate their competitors. My hosts come back full of enthusiasm, with the groceries to prepare the meal and I warn them of the risk that the police arrive because of their neighbor. They are used to this and are not worried, and remain serene because they have experienced a lot of injustice and deprivation in Vietnam and serve the meal. I am obliged to take a phone call and go out into the street and I see the police arrive and start to question my hosts who do not resist. Realizing that this is an injustice and an act of jealousy and complacency, I introduce myself to the police as their lawyer and ask them what they are accused of. There is one of the unkind police officers, who is overzealous and refuses to cooperate, so I start to show my authority. The rights to defense and the minimum of information of my clients. One of his colleagues understands that he is being overzealous. But that he can't judge him publicly. He explains to me that they are going to take them to the police station in custody and that I could defend them there. I know that I am in France and not in my actual country, and I assist them, they are released because of a procedural defect and a lack of characterized offense. I hear in the corridors that the police are not proud of having acted unfairly. On my way out, it's dark, and I'm interviewed by a TV reporter, who is dealing with justice. I tell her the story with great energy and at the end of the interview, excited, she gives me her card, very interested in getting to know each other for more cases of this type, even privately. To celebrate their freedom, we go with my Vietnamese friends, to eat in a French restaurant, on a square which is surrounded by big plane trees. After the meal, on the way home, at a crossroads of a pedestrian street, a black tap dancer does his street number, like in New Orleans in the United States, and then another younger dancer arrives. This seems to annoy the first one to no end. It looks improvised, but in fact it is a well-coordinated performance between a father and son to get our attention.

Sign: At the end of the day following the dream, a Vietnamese woman came to see me at my office, very worried but motivated, because her husband, also Vietnamese, who has several companies in the service industry, including one in the computer industry, had left one of them in the hands of his partner and co-manager, a Korean. The wife feared the worst, especially since the partner had gone back to Korea. She did not know if her husband was a manager or not. So she made an appointment for her husband to help her. I told her to come and motivate her husband to attend the consultation, that it was important. The next day, the husband came first. While waiting for his wife, we talked about general issues, including home improvement scams, with contractors taking money and not finishing the houses. He confirmed to me that he was co-manager but that he had lost interest and had given all the management to his associate. He had invested several millions in this company but also in the purchase of land in Korea itself, of which he had never had any news. The abandoned company was specialized in the import of house building material. This company had never been properly managed and was a ghost company, which had never functioned and which found itself with a stock of Korean fireproof metal doors, not in conformity with French regulations. He didn't even have the keys to the door of the room where the doors were stored. No accounts had been kept and the rents were unpaid. The tax authorities had automatically taxed a commercial result. On the basis of an estimate, since no balance sheet had been provided. The amount of the tax was therefore significant but did not correspond to the reality. His partner had gone back to Korea, was ill and no longer answered his e-mails. After having informed him of the risks he was running due to the total lack of management of this company. I advised him to put an end to this company, by putting it in judicial liquidation by going to court, which required respecting the steps one by one, but that this could not necessarily allow him to escape possible sanctions, for all these years of evasion of his responsibilities.

Dream #2: Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

I am in the same room as Mr. Tremblay (founder of bleu lava), he is wearing black pants and I want to ask him some questions. But I feel him running away in a hurry to leave. I am in sympathy when I approach him and ask him what happened to bleu lava (in concrete terms, a bankruptcy after too rapid an expansion). He answers me, looking for an answer: you know, sometimes the wind changes direction. And the image I see in my head is a very dark 3d wall in the sky. I am in the same room [in a certain intimacy] as Mr. Tremblay [masculine principle related to work, to the creation of a business project that failed, difficulty in delegating, search for personal glory, big ego, focused on matter] (founder of blue lava) he is wearing black pants [energy of advancement focused on matter, abuse of power] and I want to ask him questions. I want to ask him questions [search for understanding, meaning] but I feel him running away [escape from responsibility, fear], in a hurry to leave. I am in compassion [gentleness, understanding towards the other] when I approach him and ask him what happened with blue lava (concretely, a bankruptcy [loss of resources, lack of preparation, lack of vision... after too rapid expansion). He answers me, looking for an answer: you know, sometimes the wind changes direction. And the image I see in my head is a very dark 3D wall in the sky. Still in compassion, I answer him that my father [male very present in me, failure in the matter, lack of resources, misunderstanding of his life plan, feels. Inferiority...] has lost everything in this story.

Dream #3: The host's journey

the host's journey - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

In the dream, I find myself as a television host. (Note that I have never actually done this job.) I find myself in the recording room portico with the main host, another collaborator and two guests. We prepare the show. This one is a weekly show about house topics (a bit like the ideas of my house). We've been shooting for a while and we're getting to the point where we're talking about building wooden furniture for the home. The subject does not seem to interest me deeply. Among the two male cabinetmakers invited, there is a character I know from having played a couple in another show with him. I think it is JICI Lauzon. I leave for the restrooms but I go outside and they are quite far away. I go to a public restroom a few blocks away. On the way back. I anticipate, I know in advance what will happen to me. As I turn the corner to the left to join my team, I hear the click of a bomb. I know I have 9 seconds to take big steps and walk away before it goes off (much like the bomb event at the Boston Marathon) I am in the area of the people likely to be hit by the explosion. After the 9 seconds, I find myself with a blue airbag around me, mostly around my hips (like a swimming pool airbag) and I slide underneath a scaffold that is on the street so that I am not hit by the bomb. We are simply talking around a table. Micheline, my friend and work colleague is present. It seems that Manon, a colleague from work, is also present and two other men who are interested in the symbolism of dreams. As the group is interested in the symbolism of dreams, I tell this event as a dream... I tell them about the toilet and the bomb... I add at the end of the story, the flashes or visions I have inside me about what happened next... vision after the event, my parents came to pick me up on the street to bring me home. I had dark skin, I was in fact a Maghrebi. They also brought my spouse or husband in the car. In my head, I see my parents' black car in the dream arrive and park in front of a luxurious home. We are a rich North African family. I tell this story to the people in the group and say that this dream may be about the essence of a former life because of the very real scene at the end. I am happy about this inner discovery. Micheline is attentive and asks me about the dream. We continue our work in group. Jici Lauzon: made a name for himself as a comedian in the 1980s in Quebec, then as an animator and comedian in the 1990s. For 12 years, he played what he says is the role of his life: Professor Lacaille in the soap opera Virginia. He is passionate about literature and cinema. I know that he is now in his sixties. That he has a young family (3 young children). [Courage to make his family life at 50 years old, reconstruction, agreement with the creditors not to go bankrupt in search of true values, difficulty to grow old, can be haughty, humorist side a little lost, can lack refinement, dignity, pride on his person) My work colleagues: Guylaine: spiritual, does deep work on herself, gentle, attentive, refined, seeks to be fair and help others (runs a center to help people), she is a trainer in human development, loneliness has no spouse or children, former religious structure, her best friend is a priest, difficulty incarnating, organizing in matter, problem with menopause. Joane: intelligent, leader, seeks correctness in everything, scientific mind, a lot of knowledge in matter, spiritual openness, rigidity, misunderstanding, error of judgment, critical mind, lack of diplomacy, seeks to control, protects her place.



Injustice towards asian people. In couple with Jici Lauzon. Airbag around my hips.

Format: audio .mp3

Theme: Dreams, Signs, Symbols
Presented in French


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About Decode Your Dreams


Discover every two weeks a new conference on a different topic


More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


Broadcast in 1080p HD for an optimal viewing experience

An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols
Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny... Understanding your Dreams is a moment of encounter and exceptional knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.
Every two weeks since 2010
For many years Kaya has been presenting the "Decode Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.
Unlimited dreams and symbols
The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique conferences on various subjects that simultaneously touch on everyday life. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Don't hesitate to contact Kaya in the conference chat. Read more...

Vietnamese restaurant owners (French version)

Injustice towards asian people. In couple with Jici Lauzon. Airbag around my hips. [...]



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Each podcast is illustrated and also presents the texts of the dreams that are studied. You can thus make your choice according to the themes and contents that interest you or that touch you the most at the moment. Listen to your intuition!

The "Understanding Your Dreams" podcasts have been presented alternately in English and French. Please note that the English and French podcasts may present different dreams.

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