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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

The dusty old house (English version)

Grids made of noodles. Cookie crumbs in the bed. Bib for book.

Dream #1: The dusty old house

The old dusty house - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

My mother, my grandfather and my mother's little sister went to a big house that was covered with dust and inside many spider webs. We were trapped in the house, so my grandfather told us, "I will save you, be brave, don't be cowardly", then suddenly I started to fall on big grids that were made of noodles. Then a spirit saved my life and I thanked him. The spirit had the face of a cat, the body of a ghost and a ring on its head. Then I woke up.

Dream #2 : The intense vacuum cleaner

The vacuum cleaner - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

We are both in bed and there are a lot of rice cracker pieces between us in the bed. So I take the vacuum cleaner to clean up. My wife waves me off, as if she wants to keep them to eat. I keep vacuuming the smaller pieces, the crumbs, but I stop. Realizes that it's too much, that I'm too intense; a vacuum cleaner to clean food crumbs in a bed is out of place.

Sharing: Received this dream after an initiation with my wife on the issue of emotional communication, my difficulty in being in touch with myself, with my own feelings, which creates areas of unhappiness, which in turn creates external conflicts in our relationship due to lack of authenticity. I had been invoking the Angel Jeliel for a few days and was grateful to have received this information to improve my relationship with my wife. An angelic mantra is so powerful.

Dream #3: The Butler

The butler - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Sharing: This dream is related to a movie we watched on January 18: The Butler. This film describes the life and social evolution of a black man in the southern states of the United States who, as a result of various circumstances, becomes a butler in the White House, where he works for 30 years, during which time he continues to be subjected to the difficulties associated with being African American. In the end, after his retirement, Barack Obama, the first black American president, invites him to the White House as a guest after hearing all the praise about the kindness he showed to everyone, regardless of their race or social rank.

In my dream, it is as if I am present when the butler heads to the blue office, where the president is eager to meet him and thank him for his loyal service to the nation, even though he knows how much he has had to endure over the years.

Dream #4: The book bib

The book bib - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Share: A few weeks ago, I asked upstairs how I could improve myself to be a kinder, better mom to my 3 year old son.

Dream : I see a bib with a compartment for a book.

Share: **I think this means I'm doing too much teaching, giving my son too much knowledge... I'll be careful not to cram it down his throat!

Dream #5: The Snow Queen

Let it go - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

One night I watched this movie with my nephew and during the night :

I dreamed of the snow queen in the part where she sings : Let it go.

** In reality, I have been alone for 8 years, my ex-husband betrayed me.


Grids made of noodles. Cookie crumbs in the bed. Bib for book.

Format: audio .mp3

Theme: Dreams, Signs, Symbols
Presented in English


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About Decode Your Dreams


Discover every two weeks a new conference on a different topic


More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


Broadcast in 1080p HD for an optimal viewing experience

An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols
Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny... Understanding your Dreams is a moment of encounter and exceptional knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.
Every two weeks since 2010
For many years Kaya has been presenting the "Decode Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.
Unlimited dreams and symbols
The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique conferences on various subjects that simultaneously touch on everyday life. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Don't hesitate to contact Kaya in the conference chat. Read more...

The dusty old house (English version)

Grids made of noodles. Cookie crumbs in the bed. Bib for book. [...]



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Each podcast is illustrated and also presents the texts of the dreams that are studied. You can thus make your choice according to the themes and contents that interest you or that touch you the most at the moment. Listen to your intuition!

The "Understanding Your Dreams" podcasts have been presented alternately in English and French. Please note that the English and French podcasts may present different dreams.

You can use our search bar to find the different "Understanding your dreams" podcasts; the language will be indicated at the end of the title (except when the content is in French).