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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

The night with Barack Obama (French version)

In my apartment with Barack Obama. I pray to God to have a milk flow. I'm taking an exam but I never took the class.

Dream #1 : The night with Barack Obama

The night with Barack Obama - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Share: I am 58 years old, I have been living alone since 2006, I had a great need to reconsider, so I left my circle of friends, my spiritual psychology practice, to move to a very isolated place. A few weeks ago, I had a curious dream.

Dream: I was in a dark apartment with Barack Obama - who wanted to spend the night with me; I really wanted to, but knowing that he was married - I didn't want to go against my principles; so I decided and told him, that I would spend that night with him, only on the condition that we wouldn't cheat on his wife. He agreed and we spent a night full of tenderness, but without more, as I wished. I was in very thin, bright white underwear. In the morning, his butler invited him to follow his important tasks, for me it was normal, I knew well that this story had to stop there, so I left to discover this apartment a little dark and not too big, I arrived in a kitchen a little narrow - but behind this kitchen, and then when I opened a door I saw a big bed, white and bright, the sun was shining directly on this bed - it was radiant and made a big difference with the one where I spent the night. It was very beautiful to see. I thought this man had left (Barack Obama), but he came up behind me and said he wanted to stay with me, that I shouldn't worry, that everything would work out.

Share: I woke up at that moment with the thought that never in my life, no matter how tempting the offer, would I go against my principle of truth and honesty. This dream was all in English, there was a time when I was perfectly trilingual, I spoke German, French and English equally well, but life has not given me much opportunity to speak English - and lately I have noticed with astonishment that I understand again everything that is said in English around me. Barack Obama is a person I admire and who gives me hope for our poor world, which is suffering so much at the moment, and I am involved as much as I can in the fight against injustice at home in France.

Dream #2 : The wooden house

Dream: I live in a wooden house, all square, with a balcony surrounding it entirely, below my high school. I'm on this balcony and it's raining; at first, it's unpleasant for me to stand in the rain, but after a while, I get used to it, and I end up running happily in the pouring rain. It stopped raining. A group of children arrive. I know I have to welcome a young boy into my house. This group passes by, but the boy who was supposed to stay is leaving and I find it hard to mourn his presence; I feel a heartbreak as I watch him go.

A second group arrives. Another boy is there. I have to feed him, take care of him. So I prepare a dish of rice and pasta in a huge pan. As I prepare this dish, I talk to him from behind, and he is in the middle of the room. When my dish is ready, I approach him and this little boy has become a beautiful wise man, in lotus position, he is muscular and no hair, I do not distinguish the details of his face. I feel in perfect harmony with him, I feel like a woman, full of love, complete. I believe that I still have a lot of work (and cleaning) to do within myself to reach this harmony; this dream helps me to keep hope when I feel isolated and sad.

Dream #3: Hematoma in the arm

Dream: Raised right forearm covered in bruises, one larger one inside the arm. The image has disappeared and has been replaced by a round tree, very beautiful, well trimmed in a ball and very green.

Dream #4: The green light from above

Share: How could the "green light" or the "diploma from Above" manifest itself when asked?

Dream #5: Learning to breastfeed

Dream: I am entrusted with a baby... He is in my arms (a little boy, I think)... the baby wants to take the breast... I say to myself that I should find some milk... he wants to take the breast... I decide to let him suckle so that he is reassured... and there, I was a little afraid that it would hurt... (a friend told me that it hurt...) but there, no, everything is fine and I am very happy. So now I pray to God intensely to do a miracle and that I have a milk flow... I wish it with all my heart... then there are other dream sequences where I see distortions that I understand.

Dream #6: Law course

Dream: I'm in a school where some bad things happen. When I want to talk to a leader/teacher about it, I see that everyone is in on it. It's very scary. I have to take a law class but I don't know the room. I go to the information on this, my father arrives (dressed in training, mismatched) and looks at the board where the courses are posted. I tell myself that he is smart. I want to go with him but I can't gather my bags around me. He comes back, the class is over. He tells me that it was good.

Dream #7: Passing an exam

Dream: I have to take exams and I realize that I never took the law course. I panic, I don't know the subject, I'll fail. I ask Lucie for help I am with my daughter in her bed, she is sleeping and I am dozing. In a half-sleep, I lick her sex, she opens her eyes and says to me "Mom, you touched what we should not touch". I panic telling myself that everyone is going to know about it, because I have informed her so well about what is done or not, I am stunned by my act and I feel terrible. I woke up in a fright (Continued 3rd dream)

Dream #8: 3rd dream: Avalanche

Dream: We are in the mountains. An avalanche starts below us. I want to film, but my father tells me to look higher, we will be buried. I run while thinking of my son Robert who is in a tent higher up. I dig the snow desperately, it is soft and easy to dig. I find a heater (which was in the tent, but in truth this heater I have at my work) and tell myself that my son is not too far down. I pray to save my son and daughter. I call out my husband's name, hoping he hears me and knows I am looking for them. My father arrives with my son safe in his arms. I fall to my knees in tears and thank God. I wake up.

Dream #9: Building Barriers

Dream: I am outside, we are 2 teams and each one must build barriers on their territories to delimit. I am with Y.... (a nice wise person for me) I cut logs on a trunk with a small axe, at first it does nothing but remove splinters of wood. Suddenly, after several blows, the wood of the tree trunk that is already on the ground, I see the axe melting inside the wood and I easily manage to cut logs and then we put clay on the ground to make a delimitation, time is counted.

Then, I see 2 horses Pegasus (with wings) 1 big white and 1 small silver but which has not yet all its color. The small silver Pegasus ran away and the big white one caught him to make him sound and return to his place


In my apartment with Barack Obama. I pray to God to get a rush of milk. I'm taking an exam but I never took the class.

Format: audio .mp3

Theme: Dreams, Signs, Symbols
Presented in French


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About Decode Your Dreams


Discover every two weeks a new conference on a different topic


More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


Broadcast in 1080p HD for an optimal viewing experience

An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols
Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny... Understanding your Dreams is a moment of encounter and exceptional knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.
Every two weeks since 2010
For many years Kaya has been presenting the "Decode Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.
Unlimited dreams and symbols
The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique conferences on various subjects that simultaneously touch on everyday life. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Don't hesitate to contact Kaya in the conference chat. Read more...

The night with Barack Obama (French version)

In my apartment with Barack Obama. I pray to God to have a milk flow. [...]



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Each podcast is illustrated and also presents the texts of the dreams that are studied. You can thus make your choice according to the themes and contents that interest you or that touch you the most at the moment. Listen to your intuition!

The "Understanding Your Dreams" podcasts have been presented alternately in English and French. Please note that the English and French podcasts may present different dreams.

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