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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

Snakes in the train

Having to carry a snake on a train. And a colorful boa hidden in a corner.


Dream Interpretation

Dream #1: Snakes on the Train

Snakes on the train - Understanding your dreams -Kaya

Dream: I am in a train and we have to transport I do not know why a snake. I feel in India. I see a mini white snake in my hands that is like a bone, or edges a little prickly, but it is still alive. I am not afraid and it looks like a twig.

I put it back in its cloth bag. Then, hidden in the corner behind me on the left, I suddenly see that there is a blue/green/purple boa. This one still gives me the creeps, because it is very big and not in a cage. But at the same time it is frozen and when we move it, it remains as a big rectangular pile.

Dream #2: Losing my best friend

Losing my best friend - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Dream: I am in a place "airport style, station", and I am with 2 friends, we are loaded with carts carrying suitcases and other heavy steel loads: it is very cumbersome. We try to take an elevator, but they are busy.

An elevator becomes available, we manage to enter the 3 with our loads, I press the button and I am wrong. Instead of pressing the one that goes up, the 2, I press the 0. Seeing my mistake I press at once on the 1 to go up, but the elevator recorded the 0, we thus go down to the 0.

The door opens, it's not where I have to get out, I stay in the elevator. The elevator starts again, stops at 1, it's still not there. And this time I press the right button, number 2, and the elevator goes up. The elevator stops at number 2, I get out of the elevator and I find my parents who were waiting for me and I explain them why I was late.

I arrive in a magical place, green, where I see a beautiful white cake. The chairs, the tables are ready, and I think to myself: "This is perfect, great, the place is superb. But I don't see the groom (my husband)... There is no one, only me contemplating. I leave and today is the next day of the "Management Cycle" training for business leaders.

Everyone arrives, I see Marie, I see Anna (hurts my friend Alexandra; so I don't want to talk to her anymore).

Alexandra (my friend since 20 years) is the person who animates the group, and everybody says hello to her... Carl arrives, he goes to Alexandra with a beautiful bouquet of flowers with roses, he gives it to her saying "It's for you my love", and kisses her on the mouth.

Alexandra is surprised but super happy at the same time. I see the situation that bothers me, so I slip away so I don't see what happens next. Nobody sees that I slip away, because there are many people. I think, "This is it, Alexandra has found love, I'm going to lose my best friend."

A few hours later, Alexandra joined me and said: "Did you see? Carl kissed me." I answer her: "Yes, yes, I saw. And Alexandra says: "Why didn't you tell me about it? I don't answer.

We leave at her parents' house all 2, Alexandra says to me, while making her bed: "Tomorrow we leave already, I will perhaps sleep with Carl and he will hire me". Alexandra is very happy. Me less...

Alexandra's mother, Pauline, is a little disappointed with our shortened stay and says to Alexandra: "You told me that we would look together to shop for food, so I didn't prepare anything. Alexandra says to him: "Don't worry, we'll make it". And Patrick, her dad, suggests me to go to the domain with him. Alexandra says to him: "No daddy, Dominique is afraid of spiders". I was disappointed, because I couldn't say "yes", and say that I was less afraid of spiders today.

So I go to my parents' house, where I see Guy, my stepfather, and my mom doing my puzzle on Route 66. My brother, in surprise, and Guy hurry to hide the parts of the puzzle made by putting a pot on it, because my brother does not know that I went to the USA, and I do not wish to tell him for fear of negative judgments.

Mom hides the puzzle box. My brother sits and talks with Guy, I am in the kitchen, and Mom listens. My brother leaves, I see his wife at the wheel, I say to them: "I will come to see you soon but I don't know when; I am waiting for answers for work: grape harvests, etc."

I find myself driving their car, to drop me off not far from my house. I stop at the bottom of a hill, and I say: "Here it is good for you". My brother Ralph, and my sister-in-law Laure tell me: "No, you're too far from home and on top of that you have to go up the whole hill: it's a tough climb. No, go ahead, climb the hill and it will be better up there". I say ok... I go up the hill, I stop the car, I get out and they leave. I wake up.

About Decode Your Dreams


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More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


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An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols

Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny...

Understanding your Dreams is an exceptional moment of encounter and knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.

Every two weeks since 2010

For many years, Kaya has presented the "Understanding Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.

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The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique lectures on a variety of subjects that can help us in our daily lives. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Do not hesitate to interact via the live chat.

About the conference
09 November 2020
Montreal : 15:00
Paris : 21:00
Presented in French

A conference presented by


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Merci de noter que nous recevons de nombreux rêve chaque jour, et les rêves analysés sont choisis au hasard par souhait d’équité. Aussi, nous vous informerons de la date d’étude de votre rêve à partir du moment où celui-ci est sélectionné pour la préparation d’un évènement. Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension.

Les conférences en direct “Comprendre vos Rêves” ont été présentées de façon alternée en français et en anglais à chaque semaine. Merci de noter que les conférences en anglais et en français peuvent présenter des rêves différents.

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Snakes in the train

Having to carry a snake on a train. And a colorful boa hidden in a corner.
