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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

Repairing the car (English version)

My car is 7 years old. Glass in my mouth. My dead father shows me a tunnel.

Dream #1: Fix the car

Car fixing - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Share: My car is 7 years old and when I made an appointment to have it serviced, the mechanic told me that it was time to change the timing belt, and that it was quite expensive. Could you please give us the symbolic analysis of the need to change the timing belt on our car? Thank you very much.

Dream #2: Glass and Blood

Glass and blood - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Dream: I was in a room at home with people. There were also children and we were talking as usual. Suddenly, I started to pull small hard pieces of glass and cloth with blood out of my mouth. I kept doing this and trying to get rid of the rest for a while... The kids around me saw this and I tell them that I ate or did something that I know is causing this and that I shouldn't.

Share: And I wake up still feeling my tongue moving in my mouth trying to get rid of the rest of the glass pieces.

Dream #3: The Golden Eagle

The golden eagle - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Share: My father passed away a few weeks ago. He did not believe in God and never prayed or opened a bible in front of us. However, he was a kind and gentle person and the things of the earth were everything to him.

But one day after his death, he appeared to me in my dreams and showed me a tunnel - in that tunnel there were gold and silver stars - next to that tunnel there was a golden eagle with a staff that looked like an Angel standing guard.
The question is, did he go to heaven and why did the golden eagle with a staff appear rather than an Angel?

Dream #4: Broken wedding bracelets

The broken wedding bangles - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Dream: I dreamed that I was getting married again, (I am already married) and that my wedding Chura (bracelets), which are worn during the wedding and up to 45 days of marriage, broke into several pieces on the wedding day.

Share: What does this mean?

Dream #5: Fish and Tail

Fish and tails - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Dream: I dreamed I threw up something that looked like a shell casing for something that might be alive (it looked like it had blood veins, soft skin, etc.) But then someone opened it up (I don't know who) and out came three long jointed tails, like that of a fist with no scales.... or like the inside of a fish except tail-shaped.... I never touched it.

Share: Can you explain?

Dream #6: The police in the garage

Police in the garage - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Share: I followed the Angel Calendar #1 and when I got to the Angel Rochel, I asked this Angel to show me when I am schizophrenic. This is because one of my brothers is schizophrenic (so part of me is too). The Angel Rochel is his Angel for the physical level, his Angel of incarnation.
My question was, "Angel Rochel, please help me; show me when I am schizophrenic. During the night I had the following two dreams.

Dream: I've just walked down a clean, winding, gently sloping roadway (it reminds me of a ferry slipway) with white tile walls on both sides, leading to an underground auto repair garage with a large white wood and glass door closed. I position myself in front, standing, and several police officers have been called to stand by. I'm in danger of being attacked at any moment by a bad guy who might pop out of the garage, but I happen to know these policemen (I feel a bit triumphant); they're friends of mine, and one of them (quite young) is a judo expert and an ace shot. He comes out of the garage to stand to my left, inside a black car. He is dressed in a soft black zippered top, and has a gun strapped firmly to his right arm and hand, held at the ready. Across the roadway, a little ways up on my right, another police officer emerges from the small office door in the wall. His back is to us as he closes the office door. I stand facing the garage door.

Share: I woke up and wrote down this dream. I thought about it and I think I understand it quite well (see my commentary, part II*) I think I can understand that my schizophrenic tendency is to overreact to seeing evil in my subconscious and to want to overprotect myself, to want to defend myself from it, without understanding that it is me, that the bad guy is part of me. Intellectually I understand, but clearly emotionally I don't, or I am so afraid of being bad, or of having been bad, that I call on all my inner police forces to help me stop its emergence, like a schizophrenic who refuses to face himself, and slips into other personalities to escape confrontation with his own distortions, his own bad guy. HELP! This reminds me that all my life as a child, when one of my brothers or sisters would say "Mommy wants to see you," I was really afraid that I had done something wrong, that I had been found out and was now in trouble, even though I was generally a nice kid, who rarely did anything stupid. 

However, in my childhood, my parents tended to react very strongly to small offenses. I attracted parents like that into my life because I have to learn not to overreact like that. Intellectually, I understand that evil is educational and I can accept it for others, but it is true that I am afraid of the terrible things that might emerge from my unconscious/subconscious. The police in my dream are those parts of me that overreact to even small distortions. I can see that this is over the top, and I can understand that these aspects of me are preventing me from being able to accept seeing my distortions, but what do I need to do to readjust, clean up, and transform this in myself? I don't think I'm like this with others, and certainly not with those who are not family; I'm thought to be tolerant, understanding and forgiving, but clearly not with myself.

So I asked the second dream to help me heal this in me. And then before I went back to sleep, I asked the following question: "Angel Rochel, show me how to heal myself of schizophrenia"...

Dream (second): I am told clearly: in Jake's store (a grocery store), Jake only uses recyclable polythanol bags, and I am shown the visual image of a man's arms gathering several white plastic bags and told, these bags are not so strong so sometimes he uses a cardboard box to hold them all together. I see the man's arms placing the bags one by one into the large cardboard box (the same one provided by a local supermarket here).

Share: Jake is a cousin of mine that I barely know, who used to run a store, but he had a drinking problem in the past and was unemployed for a while. As far as I know, he has overcome his problems, and my mother told me that she thinks he now works for a telephone company. His wife is a very busy and beloved nurse.

When I woke up after the dream, I immediately thought that Jake was still running a grocery store, and then I remembered that he had been having problems with alcohol. I then asked my mom for information and learned the rest. I researched polythanol, an unfamiliar word to me, and discovered that it was a flammable chemical often used in rodenticides, especially to get rid of field and house mice. At last summer's Angelica Summer Camp, one of the activities was to draw what might help us with a distortion that had been revealed. I had chosen a picture of dry, cracked earth (earth suffering from drought) and also a mousetrap. I drew a big green river with mountains, and a golden key, to represent my desire to be more loving and to see the big picture, to be able to stand up and see the big picture, and not panic over little things. And I added a little free mouse among the grasses, in its rightful place in nature, just as you and the children had freed a trapped mouse.

But I don't really understand the dream's answer to curing the schizophrenia that exists within me, although the surprising use of polythanol reminded me of my distorted mousetrap. And the white grocery bags made me think of a need for increased receptivity to spiritual food. Am I right and if so, how can I please what this really means? Many thanks from the bottom of my heart and soul for all your help.


My car is 7 years old. Glass in my mouth. My dead father shows me a tunnel.

Format: audio .mp3

Theme: Dreams, Signs, Symbols
Presented in English


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About Decode Your Dreams


Discover every two weeks a new conference on a different topic


More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


Broadcast in 1080p HD for an optimal viewing experience

An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols
Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny... Understanding your Dreams is a moment of encounter and exceptional knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.
Every two weeks since 2010
For many years Kaya has been presenting the "Decode Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.
Unlimited dreams and symbols
The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique conferences on various subjects that simultaneously touch on everyday life. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Don't hesitate to contact Kaya in the conference chat. Read more...

Repairing the car (English version)

My car is 7 years old. Glass in my mouth. My deceased father shows me [...]



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The "Understanding Your Dreams" podcasts have been presented alternately in English and French. Please note that the English and French podcasts may present different dreams.

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