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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

A second chance? (French version)

Jesus is holding a child in his arms. Animals want to eat my fruit. A field of purple flowers.

Dream #1: A second chance?

A second chance - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Sharing: At the time of this dream, I am working with 1 Angel Veuliah.

Dream: I was in Louis' house and we were eating together. I felt in love with him (in reality, this house is the one where Louis and I lived together when we were married and he still lives there).

Another scene at Louis' house. The oven door is open. I see the small square window in the center of the oven door which is dirty (brown food is stuck to it). With a knife, I remove the dirt. This one comes off very well because the oven is slightly hot. I remove most of it... then I tell myself that his cleaning lady will finish washing the oven glass. Later, Louis tells me that he won't need the cleaning lady to come to his house to clean. He will do it himself. In my mind, I tell myself that it is certain that the cleaning will not be as good as if the cleaning lady does it and at the same time, I tell myself that he can simply ask the cleaning lady to come back.

Sharing: Lucie: (in love with Louis for a few months in the concrete). In the she is joyful, loving and welcoming with people. In the she talks a lot, sometimes she says hurtful words. (I met Tai only once at a party for my granddaughter)

Dream: Another scene at Louis' house: We are eating together, sitting at the table facing each other. He looks me in the eyes and I do the same. I see his green eyes, they are beautiful. I feel his gaze deep inside me and I feel embarrassed. He tells me that he will leave Lucie. In my mind, I think that Lucie will be very sad, because she seems to be very much in love with him. At the same time, I am filled with hope that a beautiful relationship between us can develop. I have the strong impression that it will be possible for us to take our time, to date and to respect the steps of a spiritual couple... because we have already done it... (In concrete terms, when Louis and I met 30 years ago, we dated as friends for about 2 months... in order to get to know each other before forming a couple).

Sharing: Louis: in the Responsible father, artist, attentive lover who takes care of the couple relationship. In the Expresses little his emotions, speaks a lot and has little listening. (We are divorced for about 20 years) Since a few months, the dream regularly to Louis. In Angelica care, I work a lot on my inner couple. I see again that Louis was really a good husband. We were a couple for 13 years. Since September, I met Louis at our little girl's party. Soon we will meet at our daughter's wedding.

Dream #2: Walking on Water

Walking on water - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Share: I have been working with angels for three years and had a special dream about 5 months ago when I was starting a new job:

Dream: I saw Jesus touching the water with his hand in the sea I guess (very calm), the water was turquoise and shiny, beautiful!
Then I see him walking on the water with a baby in his arms and a lot of people were following him walking on the water too and there was the music k(( My heart Will go on >> from Celine Dion in Titanic, very loud, it was very nice. They all had shoes that looked like big brown hotties with two green dots that were lit up like eyes and I wondered if they were not afraid of sharks and then I thought to myself this is Jesus, he's safe.
It was a very brightly lit place, there was a street behind us with a fence, some people were there watching us. They were far away and I could not see their faces.

Dream #3: Bears


Dream: It's daytime and I'm at my mother's house in the backyard.
I walk with a plate of fresh fruit, well mounted on a white plate and I want to put it on the lawn. But suddenly several small animals of 1 foot high looking like small ostriches approach me aggressively, wanting to eat my fruit.
I am walking towards the patio to enter the house, when I see some black bears. I look at them and they look calm.
At the same time, I see two small cubs approaching the patio door. I bend down and make eye contact with one of the adult bears, telling them to come and herd their babies so they don't get lost. I gently pick up the first cub and push it towards its father who stretches his neck to pick it up. I do the same thing with the second cub and the father comes back for his other cub.
Afterwards, an old and very big tiger approaches the patio. We recognize each other, I go towards him, he climbs on his two feet and we give each other a big hug. I feel good. I say goodbye to him. I enter the house and someone says to me that it could have been dangerous and I answer that not, because he already saved my life.
I'm so happy!

Dream#4: The three men

The three men - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

I am with three men I don't know.
They talk about their work and say with a lot of heart that they help each other in their
profession respectively (if one is not there, another one replaces him...). They are touching and
altruistic. One of the men (whom I will call Theo) tells me that he often calls on my
brother to help him (my brother who represents a great potential to build, tinker...) because
in my dream, my brother used to use particular garbage trucks and this
helps Theo because he has to handle them. "These trucks come at precise times, precise days "
says Theo. They are special because it is a big trailer truck (heavy duty) that
carries inside a white van and it is the van that carries the
garbage cans. This van can be folded manually to get it in and out of the
big truck, which is very practical. Then I find myself with Theo and another person
in one of these big trucks, Theo is driving. He tells us that he has no sister but that he has
a brother, as if he were telling us a little of his story...
Suite 1/3 Then the truck starts to leave the ground and we fly to the
above the road, then higher and higher, the road becomes
very small and we land on a plateau in height.
There, we are on foot all three and we cross
fields, it is very beautiful. When we turn around to
Theo tells us in a rather neutral way: "There is a
woman, but she doesn't fit me anymore." as if he had
had been with her and then separated. This woman had
offered a lot of purple flowers (intense purple) which
cost each 20.. (I don't remember the currency unit), and
on our left, fields of these flowers were revealed
that he had planted before. It was beautiful but I told him
said: "Since this woman is no longer suitable for you, then this
fields is less beautiful.
Then we were at the edge of the
cliff to come down and we had to fly. I was
that the third person with us was a friend
(which symbolizes in the most: a lot of imagination, it is
photographer and in the least: a lack of responsibility)
Suite... 2/3 She is afraid to take flight but I tell her to believe in it
and that it will get better, which it does.
In front of the cliff, there are 3 men coming down
like us but on the rope, abseiling (they did some
climbing). I don't know why, but I know that you shouldn't
not to be seen by them Theo goes first and flies in
but he is noticed by one of the men. This
man is very afraid and believes himself in danger. We join
Theo flying. This scared man is so scared
that he takes his two friends and wants to make them fall in the
apples with him to escape, that their minds
escape. But there appears a gendarme or a
authority of justice and Theo, who has a bow and a
arrow (softened, which does not hurt) shoots an arrow on its
hand to let go, to let go of his friends and stop
to think he is in danger. Theo seems to me to be a pacifist and doesn't want
not to hurt him but just to make him aware
that he is worried about nothing. The man's left hand is a
little hurt by the arrow but let go. 33

Dream #5: Charity ?

Charity - Understand your dreams - Kaya

Dream: I am financially well off and I am beginning to wonder if I should give some of my resources to people who need them.

A person who knows a friend of mine would like to be able to benefit from her doctor's appointment.
But the appointment is written in ink, as if it had been written with a printer on the calendar. I. is inscribed like the name of the saints. The young woman and her friend (whom I don't know in real life) can't erase it and they are disappointed.
I ask this young woman why she is so keen on this appointment. She explains that she is part of a resource sharing association. She felt that she had enough resources to live on even though she had a child who did not live with her.
She starts to think... A party is organized and I see that this young woman is dancing with a friend of hers very freely. I want to dance with Martin and Suzanne (my son and daughter-in-law in real life).
One day I find out where they are and I dance.
Another time, I ask the owner of the dance hall where I can go dancing. I am in a place crowded with people. He gives me the name of the room and I hear that in this hidden place, Martin and Suzanne are making love. I go back to the organizer and tell him that the room is not available. Then I go back to the place where he was before and I say loudly "Is this where we have to dance?" to give Martin and Suzanne time to free the room.



Jesus is holding a child in his arms. Animals want to eat my fruit. A field of purple flowers.

Format: audio .mp3

Theme: Dreams, Signs, Symbols
Presented in French


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About Decode Your Dreams


Discover every two weeks a new conference on a different topic


More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


Broadcast in 1080p HD for an optimal viewing experience

An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols
Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny... Understanding your Dreams is a moment of encounter and exceptional knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.
Every two weeks since 2010
For many years Kaya has been presenting the "Decode Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.
Unlimited dreams and symbols
The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique conferences on various subjects that simultaneously touch on everyday life. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Don't hesitate to contact Kaya in the conference chat. Read more...

A second chance? (French version)

Jesus is holding a child in his arms. Animals want to eat my fruits. A field [...]



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Each podcast is illustrated and also presents the texts of the dreams that are studied. You can thus make your choice according to the themes and contents that interest you or that touch you the most at the moment. Listen to your intuition!

The "Understanding Your Dreams" podcasts have been presented alternately in English and French. Please note that the English and French podcasts may present different dreams.

You can use our search bar to find the different "Understanding your dreams" podcasts; the language will be indicated at the end of the title (except when the content is in French).