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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

Making the right choices... When a train passes, do we take it?

How do you make the best decision when you're at a crossroads? Essential elements to consider to make good choices. And some touching examples.


Description of the conference

There are so many situations in life where we have to make choices. Whether it is at home, at work, alone, as a couple, as a family, etc., what are the essential elements that we must keep in mind when we make a choice? How can we understand that some decisions and choices have not yielded the expected fruits and results?

During this conference, Eloi will present concrete and touching examples from his own experience, as well as sharing, analysis and key elements that can help everyone understand their past choices and prepare inspiring choices for the future.

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About the conference
23 October 2019
Montreal : 15:00
Paris : 21:00
Presented in French

A conference presented by


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Making the right choices... When a train passes, do we take it?

How do you make the best decision when you're at a crossroads? Essential elements to consider to make good choices. And some touching examples.
