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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

The Law of Resonance (French version)

Can I trust my perceptions? Transparent sun that moves. A hen sits comfortably on me.

Question on the Law of Resonance:

The Law of Resonance - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Share: In the law of resonance, what I see in the other person that disturbs me is to be seen in myself and worked on. OK!

Can this perception be only mine, that is to say that the need for recognition for example that I interpret in the other does not exist in him, it is a "vision" of myself only, it is not his reality?

In fact it is a question about my capacities to perceive, to "read" what is outside of me. Sometimes I am uncertain, or suspicious of my perceptions, which may be only projections. Can you talk about this?


Dream #1 : Photos in the mountains

Mountain Photos - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Share: I am a 17 year old high school student. My brother (one of whose angels is Anauel) is my big brother, I have a lot of admiration and affection for him. The iPhone (I don't know if this will matter) is my mother's in reality, the protection is sky blue and on the home screen there is the image of Gabriel's acquaintance

Dream: I am on top of a mountain with a man, probably my father, the sun is setting or rising and there was snow. I try to take pictures but I can't, so my brother who has just joined us throws me my mother's iPhone and tells me " Here is Mom who gives it to you ! ". Then I get closer to the edge of the mountain to take a picture of it but even if it is still in the mountain it is not the same but there is still snow and the sun is in the same place. When I try to take the pictures, the sun becomes transparent and starts to move in all directions.

Dream #2: Huge green juice machines

Green juices - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Share: The day before this dream, I made purchases in the amount of $333.32. As I reacted to the cashier, the cashier told me I could round up to 0.33$ if I wanted. I did not respond, the message was clear that Sitael was there. I had asked before having this dream if it was right for my soul's evolution to follow the DSSI training now. My dream is in 3 scenes.

The dream: Scene 1: I was with a group and everyone had a lottery ticket I think, except me. They were playing a game that I didn't understand and I felt different, less sharp, as they say sometimes. There was talk of undressing. I felt a little uncomfortable but hey, I do it, only to realize that it was only me who was undressed. So I felt even more uncomfortable, so I put my clothes back on.

The 2nd scene: I was with a friend, (unknown in the concrete) at my friend Pauline's house, but it was not her house in the concrete. We were in a place adjacent to her house, kind of like a tiny garage, covered in faded white cement and not clean enough to do what she was doing there. She had 3 huge machines for making green juices. That is, in 3 steps. The first machine she was working with was up high and we were watching from below. Another machine was working alone to do the first operation and it was full to the brim with dark green leaves, it was like a big square basket. A small bunch of leaves fell on the ground and the friend who accompanied me put them back in the basket. I think to myself, this is not a clean thing to do. The third camera, when I turn to the left, is behind me.

Finally the 3rd scene: I was with the first group I think and there were brown hens on the floor inside, I thought it was a bit special. A huge brown hen that I wanted to pet came to me and poked my fingertips with her beak, she then decided to climb on top of me. I was sitting down and couldn't get up. The hen was very comfortable and at ease but above all peaceful. I was happy to see that a hen could be comfortable on me, because a hen is not easily taken, I was proud of that.


Can I trust my perceptions? Transparent sun that moves. A hen sits comfortably on me.

Format: audio .mp3

Theme: Dreams, Signs, Symbols
Presented in French


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About Decode Your Dreams


Discover every two weeks a new conference on a different topic


More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


Broadcast in 1080p HD for an optimal viewing experience

An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols
Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny... Understanding your Dreams is a moment of encounter and exceptional knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.
Every two weeks since 2010
For many years Kaya has been presenting the "Decode Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.
Unlimited dreams and symbols
The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique conferences on various subjects that simultaneously touch on everyday life. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Don't hesitate to contact Kaya in the conference chat. Read more...

The Law of Resonance (French version)

Can I trust my perceptions? Transparent sun that moves. A hen settles comfortably on me. [...]



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Each podcast is illustrated and also presents the texts of the dreams that are studied. You can thus make your choice according to the themes and contents that interest you or that touch you the most at the moment. Listen to your intuition!

The "Understanding Your Dreams" podcasts have been presented alternately in English and French. Please note that the English and French podcasts may present different dreams.

You can use our search bar to find the different "Understanding your dreams" podcasts; the language will be indicated at the end of the title (except when the content is in French).