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Angelica Mantra Concert - Volume 6 (Anges 61 à 72) | Centre UCM
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Angelica Mantra Concert – Volume 6 (Anges 61 à 72)

Discover the best of yourself. A mantra, an Angel, a quality to evolve in yourself. Improve who you are.

Mantra version

Find the mantra that speaks to you.

Angelica Mantra Concert – Volume 6 – Album complet (MP3)
Find the strength of your depth with the Angelica Mantra.



Umabel is the Angel of Friendship who helps us understand how affinities work, through the Law of Resonance.
En savoir plus sur l’Ange Umabel.

Iahhel est l’Ange de la connaissance retrouvée. Il facilite l’introspection, la réflexion, et nous permet de comprendre tout ce qui nous arrive avec philosophie. Il permet de retrouver le pacifisme, la tranquillité et la véritable beauté.
En savoir plus sur l’Ange Iahhel.

Anauel est l’Ange de la perception de l’unité. Il facilite le succès dans la communication et les relations humaines. Il nous aide à comprendre avec plus de profondeur les concepts d’échanges et d’argent pour générer de l’abondance en matérialisant de façon juste et équitable. Cet Ange nous aide à devenir un grand leader et à redevenir Un.
En savoir plus sur l’Ange Anauel.

Mehiel est l’Ange de l’inspiration et de la vivification. Il nous aide à activer notre imagination et créativité pour trouver des solutions intelligentes. Il nous aide à transformer en soi l’hyperactivité et le manque d’énergie.
En savoir plus sur l’Ange Mehiel.

Damabiah is the Angel of wisdom, gentleness and purity. He allows us to radiate great spiritual values such as altruism, dedication, generosity and unconditional love. His energy is linked to the element water, and symbolically allows us to develop an abundance of positive emotions.
En savoir plus sur l’Ange Damabiah.

Manakel is the Angel of understanding good and evil. His energy allows us to deeply integrate that evil is educational. He helps us to understand that life is based on a code of positive (+) and negative (-). Thus, we can discern at all times what is right, to make the right decisions in life.
En savoir plus sur l’Ange Manakel.

Eyael est l’Ange de la sublimation. Avec son énergie, il est possible de transformer nos pensées, émotions et actions, en comprenant qu’il n’est jamais trop tard pour changer qui nous sommes et qui nous souhaitons devenir.
En savoir plus sur l’Ange Eyael.

Habuhiah est l’Ange de la guérison, qui nous aide à guérir et retrouver l’équilibre suite à une phase difficile.
Learn more about the Angel Habuhiah.

Rochel is the Angel of Restitution. He helps us find lost or stolen objects, ideas or feelings, and helps us learn to give and receive in our exchanges with others in a healthy and balanced way. He helps us to regain lost potential.
En savoir plus sur l’Ange Rochel.

Jabamiah is the Angel of Alchemy, who is able to transform everything. He helps us to become an Alchemist ourselves, by transmuting evil into good. He facilitates the healing and the accompaniment of the dying. When life throws stones at us, this Angel helps us to transform them into precious stones.
En savoir plus sur l’Ange Jabamiah.

Haiaiel est l’Ange qui nous enseigne à ne plus attaquer et ne plus combattre. Il nous inspire l’héroïsme, la bravoure, le courage et nous aide à transcender nos guerres intérieures, à éviter les conflits. Cet Ange nous apprend à ne plus combattre le mal par le mal, mais à toujours représenter le bien.
En savoir plus sur l’Ange Haiaiel.

Mumiah est l’Ange de la renaissance, et nous aide à comprendre l’importance des cycles de la vie, et comment bien les terminer.
En savoir plus sur l’Ange Mumiah.

A unique voice and depth.
An extraordinary inner journey

Meditate with Kasara

Ancestral wisdom in a modern experience.

KasaraWith her angelic voice, she introduces us to the benefits of meditation and guides us deep into the multiple landscapes of our unconscious to help us discover our inner potential.

Her voice is accompanied by music composed by Canadian director André Leclair (Cirque du Soleil). André, who has an exceptional musical talent, has worked with many internationally renowned artists and projects at his recording studio Le Plan A in the Laurentians, Quebec.


Une composition de musique zen et cinématique unique à chaque mantra. Vivez une détente d'un autre niveau pour une relaxation profonde de tout votre être.​

About the Angelica Mantra

In the beginning

Asian cultures say "mantras" are the repetition of sacred formulas; in Traditional Angelology, the mantra is made with the name of an Angel which is also called: the recitative practice.

The Mantra

The Mantra with the name of an Angel is a simple but very powerful tool that triggers dreams, signs. It is a way of cleansing memories and renewing our self-esteem. It is also a way of opening up the unconscious mind.

Its influence on our dreams

Through our dreams, we discover the positive and negative memories that inhabit our soul, our inner computer. Having become aware of the aspects that need to be worked on, the recitation practice helps us to reprogram these negative memories so that they become positive.

In this way, our dreams allow us to become aware of the modes of functioning that we have to rectify and the Angelica Mantra presented here by Kasara leads us to transform the memories that generate them.



Excellent question! You can consult the card of the corresponding Angel and be inspired by its qualities or the distortions that you wish to transform in you. 

On another note, your inspiration and natural affinity with an Angel can also be a great way to start. When you work on yourself everything is possible : )

Listening to a mantra is to take a deep moment of relaxation and rejuvenation for yourself. The important thing is that you feel comfortable, whether you are at home, walking, in public transport, etc...
When we listen to a mantra, we recharge our batteries and reconnect to the essential, that is, to our deepest qualities.

Anything is possible of course, but depending on the environment you are in, it may be better to do it internally, in your mind.
The most important part of the mantra process is the intention that you put into your practice.

Mantras have been practiced for thousands of years in different cultures and religions. The more you meditate with Mantras, the more you open your unconscious mind. This process improves the ability to receive dreams, but also develops concentration, focus and receptivity. It is also possible to experience certain physical symptoms, which are conscious manifestations of the memories we carry within us. We can symbolically analyze these symptoms, the place in the body where they manifest, and transform the memories they represent through the practice of Mantras.

Angelica Meditationsguided by Christiane