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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

The storm of anger (French version)

A wake-up call in the bath. The animal half whale half Lock Ness monster. And the beautiful flowering trees.

Dream # 1: The storm of anger

The storm of anger - Understanding your dreams - Kaya

Dream: At the beginning of the dream, I am in the air a few meters above the ground and I see a scene unfolding before my eyes. Gaëlle, a counselor I once worked with at a summer camp, has a conflict with a female camper.

I understand that the conflict was created because Gaëlle's ego was hurt and I point it out to her, which makes her even more angry (when I talk to her, I'm always high up. but it doesn't seem to be weird in the dream)

(CONTINUED) The tension rises and a physical battle begins between Gaëlle and the camper. Then, we all meet in the backyard of my parents' house. I am then on the ground. There are also other people with us. A storm is coming up. There is wind, tension in the air and big thick and stringy clouds.

The fence that separates my parents' yard from the neighbors' yard is immensely high, about 5 times higher than in the real world. A piece of this fence falls on us, because of the wind of the storm. There is an atmosphere of fear and catastrophe. In my dream, I knew that this was what was going to happen. Then the fence starts to fall down, piece by piece, and we try to protect ourselves.

In my dream, I make the connection with the 2012 changes and I tell myself that what can help me is the strength of my consciousness, so I start to do my recitation practice and the situation dissipates a bit, as if I am getting out of this catastrophic reality. At the end of the dream, the fence has completely fallen down, nothing separates the two yards anymore.

Dream (second): As I leave the bathroom, I see my reflection in the mirror and it scares me to death. My face looks lifeless and I'm all skinny and lifeless. When I get to my room to go to bed, I realize that my sheets are a little wet next to my pillow, which freaks me out even more because I don't understand how the sheets could have gotten wet without me being in my bed.

I am so scared that I decide to call my brother (with whom I live in the real world). I hear him shouting when he wakes up (it's night in my dream) as if he was also in panic.

However, he arrives in my room shortly after and his attitude is calm and steady. I want to explain to him what's wrong and I want to take him to the bathroom, but the corner of the bathroom is all dark and we are afraid to go in. So we decide to stay in the kitchen. He then says, "wait a minute, here, I'm going to make myself some toast and we'll talk about this." He has a reassuring attitude with me.

But then we notice that the light of the bathroom is lit and we say to ourselves that there is something abnormal which occurs since nobody went there. My brother decides to go and see and I follow him. As I walk to the bathroom, it's as if I feel like I'm getting ready inside to scream to attack a person or entity that might be there. Continued.

Dream # 2: Panic and confusion

Dream: In the first scene, I am with a group of people for an activity. The people are lying on the floor on their backs, lined up and at the beginning, I explain the activity (I don't remember what it was). Then, I am also on the floor, lying on my back.

At one point, I am talking with Charles, who is next to me. He then puts his hand on my pubic area, I realize that I am naked. I feel like this is it, we're going to start being a couple, but I'm both embarrassed since we're with other people and it's not appropriate. I point out to him.

Then, in my dream, I wake up in another scene. As if the first scene of the dream was a dream within my dream. However, when I wake up from my dream I am not in my bed, but in the bath, and moreover, I am not in my body, but just a little bit beside it. I see myself and I'm really in a panic because I don't understand what's happening.

I say to myself that I must go Finally, we do not really have time to see in the bathroom because that knocks at the door. We look in the magic eye and there are several people lined up in front. They have an unhealthy energy, of madness. I open the door and at this moment, there is only one girl who tries to enter the apartment by force. I try to close the door on her but she manages to get in and stick a syringe in my arm and inject a liquid into me. I am even more afraid because I tell myself that this liquid will amplify the madness that I feel rising in me.

At the beginning of the second dream (I don't remember where to insert this scene), I know that I feel a certainty that I need to go and talk to Charles, and I even tell myself that I need to write him an email right away to set up an appointment. For the past few weeks, I feel like I've been visiting memories of losing touch with reality and I'm linking these memories to my second dream.

Sometimes it gets so intense that I feel like I'm going to pass out. These crazy states of consciousness really scare me. I feel them very close to my consciousness, very present, even when I am awake. Sometimes I feel (and am afraid) that something is breaking inside me.

Dream # 3: The Half Whale Half Lock Ness Monster

Dream: My mother and I are walking down a road. On our left, there is a lake. At the bottom of the slope, I see a strange animal in the lake, near the shore. A kind of whale crossed with the Lock Ness monster! Half of its body is out of water. My mother crosses a small barrier and enters the water to join him. I tell her not to go in; the animal could be aggressive and I don't feel reassured, but she doesn't listen to me and looks very confident.

My mother climbs on the back of the animal who, a little surprised, sends out a jet of steam, lets out a scream and opens his mouth. I see inside its mouth two big white and square teeth. Fortunately, it is not aggressive at all. I am nevertheless astonished to attend such a scene and say to my mother "zut, I forgot my camera at the hotel" She answers me "You only have to make work the memories! (n.b : the dream takes place in black/white)

Dream # 4: Three beautiful trees in bloom

Dream: I am in a large multi-storey department store, I am passing between the shelves on the ground floor. I would like to buy something nice to welcome the people I receive in therapy (I am looking for a scented candle, a nice lamp, or a vase for example).

Then I am on vacation in a big house in a small town or village. It is not a big city in any case. There live three men (unknown in reality but friends in the dream). Upstairs, in the kitchen, one of them is preparing a coffee (I think it's morning, they wake up and prepare their breakfast). I say it's a good idea, I'll have a coffee with them too. Then I will go home because my vacation is over).

(CONTINUED) Then I look out from the small balcony of the kitchen and see down in the yard three beautiful flowering trees. One of them is a frangipani tree and the other two are some kind of Japanese plum trees. They look alike, they are big and the color of their flowers is pink and white. I tell one of my friends that he is lucky to have such trees, especially because they are difficult to grow in our countries, because it is too cold (the frangipani in particular, I saw a lot of them when I lived in Vietnam, they are beautiful trees that give very fragrant flowers). Besides I think that the season is not the hottest in the dream (rather late autumn or winter), but these trees have really a lot of flowers, it is exceptional.


A wake-up call in the bath. The animal half whale half Lock Ness monster. And the beautiful flowering trees.

Format: audio .mp3

Theme: Dreams, Signs, Symbols
Presented in French
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About Decode Your Dreams


Discover every two weeks a new conference on a different topic


More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


Broadcast in 1080p HD for an optimal viewing experience

An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols
Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny... Understanding your Dreams is a moment of encounter and exceptional knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.
Every two weeks since 2010
For many years Kaya has been presenting the "Decode Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.
Unlimited dreams and symbols
The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique conferences on various subjects that simultaneously touch on everyday life. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Don't hesitate to contact Kaya in the conference chat. Read more...

The storm of anger (French version)

A wake-up call in the bath. The animal half whale half Lock Ness monster. And the [...]



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Each podcast is illustrated and also presents the texts of the dreams that are studied. You can thus make your choice according to the themes and contents that interest you or that touch you the most at the moment. Listen to your intuition!

The "Understanding Your Dreams" podcasts have been presented alternately in English and French. Please note that the English and French podcasts may present different dreams.

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