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Fleeing through fighting


Descrizione della conferenza

Do you ever find yourself fighting in your dreams? Did you know that nightmares can be transformed by working on ourselves?
Have you ever been angry with a person or situation only to realize that things weren’t as you imagined?
Are you familiar with the Don Quixote syndrome?
Have you ever felt angry and frustrated with someone who couldn’t see or refused to admit they’d been in the wrong, that they’d hurt you?  How can you find inner peace in such a situation?
Why do movies often feature fights that take place in all kinds of universes?
Did you know that a dream can reveal whether our approach to a negative situation is the right one?
In this lecture, Geoffrey will present several dreams and concrete examples to help us better understand how fighting evil, combating negativity doesn’t deeply solve it, but simply postpones it until later. A profound sharing filled with dreams and real-life situations that express how inner & outer conflicts work and provides keys to truly transforming them.

Informazioni sulle conferenze web

Ogni mese

Scoprite ogni mese una nuova conferenza su un tema diverso.


Incontro con esperti di linguaggio simbolico e interpretazione dei sogni.


Testimonianze a misura d'uomo e ricche di esperienze toccanti.


In HD a 1080P, attivate lo schermo intero per un'esperienza visiva ottimale.

Informazioni sulla conferenza
09 Maggio 2024
Montreal: 15:00
Parigi: 21:00
Presentato in Inglese

Una conferenza presentata da


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Fleeing through fighting
