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Sogni - Segni - Simboli

Memories of Chennai – 01.04.2024

Colonialism inside a cupboard. Trusting too much. And a reparation inside a furnace.


Interpretazione dei sogni

Dream #1 : Memories of Chennai


I see a cupboard which is shared by me and my brother. The cupboard is divided into two equal portions. My side of the cupboard is very well made, has lights inside and my brother’s side is in poor condition, looks like old furniture. I am laughing and teasing my brother that his cupboard is not as good as mine.

I see I am going with one young man who was part of some spiritual organization and he is showing me Chennai (linked to power, abuse of power, domination (colonialism), intense activity and social standing) a city in southern India.

He is no more with that organization, now but does not say anything negative either. He has learned a lot, feels grateful and has moved on now.

He is sitting on the bus, next to my friend. He is not feeling well. I hug him, go close to him and he likes that warmth. He kisses me and then he becomes some different person. He keeps my luggage in his suitcase for better space on the bus, so that we can sit comfortably on the bus.

Some people get into the bus and tell this person to take another bus which is more comfortable and will reach him directly to his destination. So he decides to leave.

I ask him to give me my luggage so he says he will courier it to me. In my mind I am wondering how he will reach my luggage, he does not even know my address. He leaves the bus.

I am walking on the road alone, and I miss the bus. I decided to take another bus which will follow my earlier bus. The conductor tells me to check my luggage and surprisingly I find my luggage.

I am on a two wheeler, my handkerchief keeps falling down and I keep requesting people to pick up my handkerchief, else I have to park my scooty and then pick it up.

Finally, I reached the boundary of Chennai. I see clear boundaries are drawn, it’s barricaded. An auto guy offers to drop me when I show him the address. He puts my scooty on the top of an auto and charges only 10 Rs to reach my destination.


Dream #2 : Inside the furnace


I saw I was inside a furnace that my father had made, it was the size of a house, like a room inside a room. And the inner room was where it was burning hot and high temperatures. I saw my father where this furnace needed some repair.

*My father had a factory where he made furnaces, he was a workaholic, but was very committed to his work and his workplace was like his refuge.

I saw I was in the outer room of the furnace and there was a mechanic (in the dream I knew he worked in my father’s factory) who was going inside the high temperature room to repair, he was wearing a fire safety suit.

Informazioni sulla comprensione dei propri sogni

In diretta

Scoprite ogni quindici giorni una nuova conferenza su un tema diverso


Oltre 25 anni di esperienza nell'interpretazione di sogni, segni e simboli


Tutti i nomi delle persone presenti nei sogni sono stati cambiati per preservare l'anonimato.


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Una fonte eccezionale di conoscenze sull'interpretazione dei sogni, dei segni e dei simboli

Attraverso queste lezioni di un'ora e mezza, avrete l'opportunità di approfondire la vostra conoscenza del linguaggio simbolico e di capire perché un singolo sogno, correttamente compreso, può davvero cambiare una vita e un destino...

Capire i Sogni è un eccezionale momento di incontro e conoscenza che vi aiuterà a comprendere i vostri sogni in modo logico e moderno. Una vera e propria biblioteca per la coscienza.

Ogni quindici giorni dal 2010

Da molti anni Kaya presenta la serie di conferenze "Capire i tuoi sogni", un evento che conforta e istruisce sul mondo dei sogni.

Sogni e simboli illimitati

Le possibili combinazioni di simboli presenti nei sogni sono davvero infinite, il che ne fa un argomento affascinante da condividere. Scoprite conferenze uniche su una varietà di argomenti che possono aiutarci nella nostra vita quotidiana. Durante la conferenza avete un dubbio su un simbolo o sul suo significato? Sentitevi liberi di interagire tramite la live chat.

Informazioni sulla conferenza
01 Aprile 2024
Montréal : 9:30
Parigi: 15:30
Presentato in Inglese

Una conferenza presentata da


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-> 3 à 5 : -10% 
-> Da 6 a 9 : -15%
-> A partire da 10 anni: -20%

Nota: Lo sconto verrà automaticamente aggiunto al carrello.


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Potete inviare il vostro sogno a : (Si prega di indicare nell'oggetto "Sognare per capire i propri sogni)

Merci de noter que nous recevons de nombreux rêve chaque jour, et les rêves analysés sont choisis au hasard par souhait d’équité. Aussi, nous vous informerons de la date d’étude de votre rêve à partir du moment où celui-ci est sélectionné pour la préparation d’un évènement. Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension.

Les conférences en direct “Comprendre vos Rêves” ont été présentées de façon alternée en français et en anglais à chaque semaine. Merci de noter que les conférences en anglais et en français peuvent présenter des rêves différents.

Potete usare la nostra barra di ricerca per trovare i diversi "Capire i tuoi sogni"; la lingua sarà indicata alla fine del titolo (tranne quando il contenuto è in francese).

Memories of Chennai – 01.04.2024

Colonialism inside a cupboard. Trusting too much. And a reparation inside a furnace.
