WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler: [Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list]
SELECT original,translated, status FROM `wp_trp_dictionary_fr_fr_de_de` WHERE status != 0 AND `original` != 'Dernière respiration – 11.03.2024' AND MATCH(original) AGAINST ('Dernière respiration – 11.03.2024' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE ) LIMIT 1

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Jede Nacht träumst du und erlebst intensive Dinge, aber du weißt oft nicht, wie du sie verstehen sollst... Entdecke mit Kaya die Multidimensionalität von Träumen in diesen Vorträgen, die alle zwei Wochen live präsentiert werden. Über 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Deutung von Träumen, Zeichen und Symbolen.

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Filtre Saisons pour page Comprendre vos Rêves – FR


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Weitere Themen zum Entdecken

Naked art and train sleepover – 13.05.2024
An art lesson turning into a naked bath. Trying to sleep at the train station. And a fruity restaurant invitation.
Back to the past – 29.04.2024
A visit from the future. A harsh teacher. And a risky van rooftop.
Inside the well – 15.04.2024
Rescuing my son. Following the white tiger. And more than friendship ?
Memories of Chennai – 01.04.2024
Colonialism inside a cupboard. Trusting too much. And a reparation inside a furnace.
The dark in the mountains – 18.03.2024
A mountaintop house. Zig-zag on the roads. And the coming of the dark...
Loving like a leopard – 04.03.2024
A situation at work and beyond. Dispersion at a kissing challenge. And deep teachings about love.
Constipated on vacation
Constipated on vacation – 19.02.2024
A lady with a necklace. A boy's letter. And a challenge in the toilets.
Energize the soul – 05.02.2024
A not so restful rest. A meeting ending up in a dance. And a story's ending about business and love.
Trapped Galaxies – 22.01.2024
A galactic odyssey. Otherworldly energy sources. And a lion in the middle of a rooftop party.