Error en la base de datos de WordPress: [Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list]
SELECT original,translated, status FROM `wp_trp_dictionary_fr_fr_es_es` WHERE status != 0 AND `original` != 'À l’origine de la rancune… – 25.03.2024' AND MATCH(original) AGAINST ('À l’origine de la rancune… – 25.03.2024' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE ) LIMIT 1

Comprender sus sueños | Centro UCM
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Comprender los sueños

Cada noche sueñas y vives cosas intensas, pero no siempre sabes cómo entenderlas... Con Kaya, descubre las multidimensiones de los sueños a través de estas conferencias en directo que se presentan cada 2 semanas. Más de 25 años de experiencia en la interpretación de Sueños, Signos y Símbolos.

Comprender los sueños

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Sus sueños analizados

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Otros temas por descubrir

Naked art and train sleepover – 13.05.2024
An art lesson turning into a naked bath. Trying to sleep at the train station. And a fruity restaurant invitation.
Back to the past – 29.04.2024
A visit from the future. A harsh teacher. And a risky van rooftop.
Inside the well – 15.04.2024
Rescuing my son. Following the white tiger. And more than friendship ?
Memories of Chennai – 01.04.2024
Colonialism inside a cupboard. Trusting too much. And a reparation inside a furnace.
The dark in the mountains – 18.03.2024
A mountaintop house. Zig-zag on the roads. And the coming of the dark...
Loving like a leopard – 04.03.2024
A situation at work and beyond. Dispersion at a kissing challenge. And deep teachings about love.
Constipated on vacation
Constipated on vacation – 19.02.2024
A lady with a necklace. A boy's letter. And a challenge in the toilets.
Energize the soul – 05.02.2024
A not so restful rest. A meeting ending up in a dance. And a story's ending about business and love.
Trapped Galaxies – 22.01.2024
A galactic odyssey. Otherworldly energy sources. And a lion in the middle of a rooftop party.