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Rêves - Signes - Symboles

Extra kids in the daycare – 08.01.2024

A delicate daycare situation. Creature from other worlds. And dreams that matter for the future.


Interprétation de rêve

Dream #1 : Extra kids in the daycare


I run a daycare (the daycare in my dream is not the daycare I have in real life), but the staff that works in my dream is the same staff I have in real life. The children play outside.

I realize that there are four extra kids, which the law does not allow me to have. I go outside to do a head count. Of the 4 children (2 sets of siblings), I approach one set of siblings and spoke to the oldest and say: “You are my neighbors’ children, why are you here? The older sister replied, “Mommy sent us here to play and she told us aunty will be fine”.

I told her sweetie, right now you need to take your sister and go home I cannot keep you here since I can be in trouble for keeping extra kids.

So the two sisters went home. I started looking for other set of extra kids (second set of siblings) I am trying to find the older child, but it feels like she was hiding from me. I checked the bathroom, she was not there, I checked the rooms, I can’t find her.

I try to get some information from my staff and I find out that she is a high school student.

I contact the mother and inform her that her child is in my daycare when she should not be, and that she needs to pick her up. The mother tells me that her daughter lied to her about going to school and she was not sure why her she lied to her. I told the mother that I can’t keep the siblings.

Dream #2 : Mystical creatures in the sky


I was going somewhere with my friends in the morning and when I look at the sky, it is filled with gorgeous pastel clouds. Suddenly, many mystical animals appeared and were flying in the sky.

Some of them look like whales, others look like horses dancing through the glowing clouds, the view is so fantastic that I used my mobile phone to record the scene.

Then I went to an exhibition with my friends. There were many rooms and each of them had a specific theme like romance, humor or antiquity… I saw a horror-themed room next to a bright room, and my friends asked me if I wanted to try it, but I shook my head and said no thanks, with a confused smile.

I had no intention of setting foot in there, the interior looked dark with pictures of many Yokai (Japanese ghosts and monsters) on the wall.

Except for the horror room, the others were bright with significant patterns on the walls. None of them had doors, all the rooms had only three walls, the fourth being like an open door to let people in. They are placed next to each other, so you can visit any room and then quickly move to another.

Dream #3 : Harsh


I am sitting at the beach, I have a son who wants to go into the sea. I lovingly call my son’s name “Harsh”, be careful son.

Another dream that was very vague. I am on a swing that is very high in the air, I’m in a state of seduction. Then I am in a hotel room, I see Anil Kapoor (Indian actor who is fit at 65, looks young, disciplined, very wealthy, self-obsessed) coming out of this hotel.

Dream #4 : 3 dreams of my niece


These are three dreams my baby niece had in a span of 4-5 months. She is five and a half years old. She has an amazing memory, a keen observation and beyond her years perceptive ability of people and situations.

She is gentle, loving and creative in thought. She chants and sings the 72 angels beautifully and is learning their principal qualities, and the symbolic understanding of everyday simple things, situations, etc.

In the negative, she sometimes feels a lack of self confidence in the social dimension, % of emotional and affective lack.

Dream #1:

(When she had dream 1, she felt scared and got up and switched on the light, and then went to sleep again)

She saw that an Angel was sleeping. When the Angel will wake up and lift her divine wand, then a giant’s house will appear from nowhere.

Dream #2:

She saw that Lord Krishna is taking a test of her, and he creates many forms of his in the form of demons. When she sees them, she starts to chant the Lord’s name (Narayan Narayan…), and all the demon forms of Lord Krishna transform into the real divine form of Lord Krishna.

Then Krishna tells her that this was a test for her and she passed. She felt happy in the dream.

Dream #3:

She was swimming in the sea with her aunt, friends and with penguins. Everyone was happy and playing near the sea shore.

Then she saw her younger brother give her a flute which was broken, and the two of them repaired it together. She then plays the flute and everything around becomes calm.

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Par ces conférences d’une heure et demie, vous aurez la possibilité d’approfondir votre connaissance du langage symbolique et comprendre pourquoi un seul rêve, bien compris, peut réellement changer une vie et une destinée…

Comprendre vos Rêves, c’est un moment exceptionnel de rencontre et de connaissance qui vous aidera à comprendre vos propres rêves de façon logique et moderne. Une véritable bibliothèque pour la conscience.

Toutes les deux semaines depuis 2010

Depuis des années, Kaya présente la série de conférences “Comprendre vos Rêves”, un rendez-vous qui réconforte et instruit sur le monde des rêves.

Des rêves et symboles en illimité

Les combinaisons possibles de symboles présents dans les rêves sont réellement infinies, ce qui en fait un sujet fascinant à partager. Découvrez ainsi, des conférences uniques aux sujets variés et qui peuvent nous aider dans la vie de tous les jours. Lors de la conférence, vous avez un doute sur un symbole ou sa signification ? N’hésitez pas à interagir via le chat en direct.

À propos de la conférence
08 janvier 2024
Montréal : 9:30
Paris : 15:30
Présenté en Anglais

Une conférence présentée par


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Les conférences en direct “Comprendre vos Rêves” ont été présentées de façon alternée en français et en anglais à chaque semaine. Merci de noter que les conférences en anglais et en français peuvent présenter des rêves différents.

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Extra kids in the daycare – 08.01.2024

A delicate daycare situation. Creature from other worlds. And dreams that matter for the future.
