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Sueños - Signos - Símbolos

Back to the past – 29.04.2024

A visit from the future. A harsh teacher. And a risky van rooftop.


Interpretación de los sueños

Dream #1 : Back to the past


I want to share the problem with my eyes because I think there is a connection with the dream.

I have a disease called “peripheral reticular pigmentary degeneration (PRPD)” and leads to some specific problem such as:

1. I can’t see in dark places

2. Tubular visual field (gradually narrows to a tubular shape, eventually remaining as if I were looking through binoculars)

3. color blindness (but I don’t remember what specific color)

4. Inflammation of the base of the cornea, leading to degeneration and, eventually, blindness.


I called this dream: Back to the Past.

At night, my wife (lazy, withdrawn) and I were sitting facing the sea (it’s very dark and calm). We were talking happily (I can see very clearly in the dark).

Change of scene.

It’s night, the sea is calm. A man came up from the sea. When he reached the shore, he had to deal with another man who was always teasing people and pushing them into the sea, and he did the same with him. The Korean walks along the shore wearing a bathing suit.

This Korean is my son, and he’s come back from the future to investigate what happened to me. He’s very smart, an engineer who can make advanced inventions and create a time machine. I can see him sitting in the living room, using a hologram technique for a time machine.

From his point of view (Korean son).

In a library like in a black-and-white movie, he sees me as a teacher who works very hard and shared with many other children.

He sat in the distance and felt proud. He was thinking: ever since Mom died, Dad has worked hard, always trying to do his best, so why did he die?

I went to the bathroom and felt very comfortable. I woke up and was happy that nothing had happened in reality.

Dream #2 : Learning all over again


I dreamed that my middle-school teacher called me and wanted me and Suzan to erase the blackboard. Because I’m short, I couldn’t reach the top of the board, so I had to get up on a chair to erase the top.

Afterwards, the teacher said that I had erased more neatly than Suzan, and then continued with his lesson. The teacher didn’t seem to value me very much because I don’t study very well.

*Suzan: classmate in college: immature, hyperactive, fun loving

I went somewhere, filled out a paper to register for something. Once I finished, a teacher came in and said she would tutor me because she thought I’d have to start the course all over again (as if I were older than the others, but still in a junior class).

Dream #3 : Parachute van


My son goes to English school in a van. At first, he was alone. Then, there were a few other classmates with him. While everyone was waiting for the van, it began to rain heavily, then everyone got in the van to go to school.

The van has a roof made of parachute fabric. The driver said the students could sit on the roof of the van. I disagreed. I told everyone to sit inside the van because sitting on the roof is not safe. The driver said it was safe, it was okay.

When the students finally got into the van, I went inside and saw my son standing there and crying.

I asked my son who had bullied him. Then I told the students that they were classmates, so they should love and respect each other.

Sobre la comprensión de los sueños

En vivo

Descubra cada quince días una nueva conferencia sobre un tema diferente


Más de 25 años de experiencia en la interpretación de sueños, signos y símbolos


Todos los nombres de las personas que aparecen en los sueños han sido cambiados para preservar el anonimato


Transmisión en 1080p HD para la mejor experiencia de visualización

Una fuente excepcional de conocimientos sobre la interpretación de los sueños, los signos y los símbolos

A través de estas conferencias de una hora y media, tendrá la oportunidad de profundizar en el conocimiento del lenguaje simbólico y comprender por qué un solo sueño, bien entendido, puede cambiar verdaderamente una vida y un destino...

Comprender sus Sueños es un momento excepcional de encuentro y conocimiento que le ayudará a comprender sus propios sueños de una forma lógica y moderna. Una auténtica biblioteca para la conciencia.

Cada quince días desde 2010

Desde hace muchos años, Kaya presenta el ciclo de conferencias "Comprende tus sueños", un evento que reconforta y educa al mismo tiempo sobre el mundo de los sueños.

Sueños y símbolos ilimitados

Las posibles combinaciones de símbolos presentes en los sueños son realmente infinitas, lo que lo convierte en un tema fascinante para compartir. Descubra conferencias únicas sobre diversos temas que pueden ayudarnos en nuestra vida cotidiana. Durante la conferencia, ¿tiene alguna duda sobre un símbolo o su significado? No dude en interactuar a través del chat en directo.

Sobre la conferencia
29 abril 2024
Montréal : 9:30
París: 15:30
Presentada en Inglés

Una conferencia presentada por


Acceso ilimitado

Obtenga acceso ilimitado a la conferencia después de la compra. Encuéntralo en cualquier momento, en tu cuenta.

Oferta acumulada

Si compra varias conferencias, recibirá un descuento:

-> 3 à 5 : -10% 
-> 6 a 9 : -15%
-> 10 y más : -20%

Nota: El descuento se añadirá automáticamente a su cesta de la compra.


Después de su compra, puede acceder a todos sus contenidos desmaterializados en su cuenta, en la rúbrica :

Mi cuenta -> Mi contenido desbloqueado.

Puede enviar su sueño a : (Por favor, indique en el asunto "Sueña para entender tus sueños)

Merci de noter que nous recevons de nombreux rêve chaque jour, et les rêves analysés sont choisis au hasard par souhait d’équité. Aussi, nous vous informerons de la date d’étude de votre rêve à partir du moment où celui-ci est sélectionné pour la préparation d’un évènement. Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension.

Les conférences en direct “Comprendre vos Rêves” ont été présentées de façon alternée en français et en anglais à chaque semaine. Merci de noter que les conférences en anglais et en français peuvent présenter des rêves différents.

Puede utilizar nuestra barra de búsqueda para encontrar los diferentes "Comprender sus sueños"; el idioma se indicará al final del título (excepto cuando el contenido esté en francés).

Back to the past – 29.04.2024

A visit from the future. A harsh teacher. And a risky van rooftop.
