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Rêves - Signes - Symboles

Naked art and train sleepover – 13.05.2024

An art lesson turning into a naked bath. Trying to sleep at the train station. And a fruity restaurant invitation.


Interprétation de rêve

Dream #1 : Naked art and train sleepover


There is an art class taking place outside in nature, the teacher is ModernDayJames (MDJ), the students are attentive. I decide to ask him a question, to participate. He seems excited about the question/interaction, he then answers my question.

*MDJ: puts in the work/practice to succeed naturally over time with consistency, taking steps even when not perfect (ex. teaching a class) to learn and improve; monk memories, negligent attitude sometimes.

We are in the same place as before but standing in water that is separated by something, the students aren’t there. I then notice that I’m naked, cover my breasts and try to hide, the rest of my body is underwater. MDJ too is then naked and in the water section, his back towards me but then, I look away when he turns towards me I look away.

In the same place, there is no more water and I am alone, not naked anymore. I prepare to sleep in the nature, MDJ and the other students went together to the next place to sleep, I feel lonely, but out of % pride and not wanting to appear desperate to belong, decide not to go join them. I do start to feel sad and lonely.

I’m at a train station, it is night and I have been sleeping there. Then there is a very bright light coming from the outside waking me up. I look outside the window, it is around 1 a.m. and a man is working at the train station next to a train. Then I see two women who sneak into the train station to sleep here, I’m not sure if it is ok to do so when coming from the outside.

At first, I think of making the outside aware of them but then decide not to, they might have their reason to be here. They successfully sneaked in and cross the windowed place.

Then the doors to the train station slide open, a lot of light comes in. A man sleeping nearby is annoyed, I tell him that there is a reason for that, he then goes over to close it again.

Dream #2 : The forbidden fruits


My husband and I go into the garden behind the restaurant where my former boss has invited me and a few male colleagues (older than me).

*Former boss: too much focus on results, do too many things at once, too materialistic.

I’m thinking about paying for this meal by bank transfer using my overdrawn account. But I don’t know why I don’t, so I kept walking with my husband without telling him what I was thinking.

We go to the garden where there are many ripe fruits such as mangos, custard apples, star fruit, etc. At that time, there’s a scene where the owner of the garden owner goes to pick some fruit, but I don’t participate. Later, my friends and I are talking in a room overlooking the garden. We see a girl picking flowers and fruit. 

Later, a manager came out and said something to the girl.

I asked my husband what the manager said to the girl. He said she was not allowed to pick fruit here, but that she thought anyone could pick fruits in this garden.

After that, even though I really wanted to pick some, I went for a walk with my husband to look at these beautiful ripe fruits.


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Par ces conférences d’une heure et demie, vous aurez la possibilité d’approfondir votre connaissance du langage symbolique et comprendre pourquoi un seul rêve, bien compris, peut réellement changer une vie et une destinée…

Comprendre vos Rêves, c’est un moment exceptionnel de rencontre et de connaissance qui vous aidera à comprendre vos propres rêves de façon logique et moderne. Une véritable bibliothèque pour la conscience.

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Depuis des années, Kaya présente la série de conférences “Comprendre vos Rêves”, un rendez-vous qui réconforte et instruit sur le monde des rêves.

Des rêves et symboles en illimité

Les combinaisons possibles de symboles présents dans les rêves sont réellement infinies, ce qui en fait un sujet fascinant à partager. Découvrez ainsi, des conférences uniques aux sujets variés et qui peuvent nous aider dans la vie de tous les jours. Lors de la conférence, vous avez un doute sur un symbole ou sa signification ? N’hésitez pas à interagir via le chat en direct.

À propos de la conférence
13 mai 2024
Montréal : 9:30
Paris : 15:30
Présenté en Anglais

Une conférence présentée par


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Les conférences en direct “Comprendre vos Rêves” ont été présentées de façon alternée en français et en anglais à chaque semaine. Merci de noter que les conférences en anglais et en français peuvent présenter des rêves différents.

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Naked art and train sleepover – 13.05.2024

An art lesson turning into a naked bath. Trying to sleep at the train station. And a fruity restaurant invitation.
