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Dreams - Signs - Symbols

Light and books

Discover spiritual books. Getting called by a different name. And a spiritual mentor shares a story from his childhood.


Dream Interpretation

Dream #1 : Light and books

Dream: I am somewhere in the basement and there I see a box that opens. There is a bright and shining light in this box, the lid of the box opens and there are 5 books, which seem or are supposed to be spiritual books. I feel blessed and happy to have access to this knowledge and to be guided from above. While I am still feeling good looking at these books in the box, I hear someone calling me (lady voice), with the name "Ishrit" "Ishrit"... and I mentally recognize that she is calling me.

Dream #2: The moments spent with my childhood spiritual mentor

Share: Real Life Incident - For the past few days, we have noticed with Anita (my 6 year old daughter), that when she eats something she likes, even if her plate is full, she asks "EIs there enough left after that for me to get more?". We tried several times to explain to him what gratitude is, that we are lucky to have enough of what we need and that such behavior can mean being greedy or selfish (which is not a good thing).

We advise her to finish what she has on her plate first, then if she still wants some, we will give her some. So this has been happening for a while now... But yesterday, during lunch, she repeated the same thing with mangoes!... So, in a stern but balanced tone, we told her: "No mangoes for today; until we learn to balance ourselves". Madisson and I didn't eat any either so she wouldn't feel left out...

Dream: For the first time, I saw my childhood spiritual mentor in a dream... We were in a house (which is not like my real house). He asked me, "Is there anything to eat?" I knew we were all supposed to be participating in a ceremony (like a spiritual gathering/workshop).

Since we were supposed to have food there, nothing was cooked at home. So I informed him and offered him to go get some food outside (where the workshop was going on and there was still time before it started). He didn't say anything, he had a poker face (very different from the one I saw in reality) and he sat down, as if he was thinking about something...

After some silence, I apologized for that and asked him not to feel bad. It was as if he came back from his thoughts and looked at me with great compassion and a kind smile... He said, "No no... It's okay, I don't feel bad at all". He then continued, "Let me tell you something about my childhood..."

"When my father was busy grading exam papers, I used to disturb him sometimes repeatedly with my things like, "Let's go home... Let's go home..." Sometimes he would be bothered by this and become stern with me, but I was always cheerful and never held a grudge against him. It is very beautiful to be like a child and not to be disturbed by little things".

He continued, "When my father helped me with the swings and pushed me from behind... I always had courage and felt no fear... Being courageous is also a wonderful quality..."

Share: When I woke up, I prayed (as I usually do) to help me integrate the lesson I need to learn... It was after a few minutes of stillness that I had this intuitive thought: "Is there a connection between this dream and the situation we experienced with Anita?

About Decode Your Dreams


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More than 25 years of experience in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols


All the names of the people presented in the dreams have been modified to preserve anonymity


Broadcast in 1080p HD for an optimal viewing experience

An exceptional source of knowledge on the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols

Through these one and a half hour conferences, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of symbolic language and understand why a single dream, well understood, can really change a life and a destiny...

Understanding your Dreams is an exceptional moment of encounter and knowledge that will help you understand your own dreams in a logical and modern way. A real library for the conscience.

Every two weeks since 2010

For many years, Kaya has presented the "Understanding Your Dreams" series of lectures, an event that both comforts and educates about the world of dreams.

Unlimited dreams and symbols

The possible combinations of symbols present in dreams are truly infinite, which makes it a fascinating subject to share. Discover unique lectures on a variety of subjects that can help us in our daily lives. During the conference, you have a doubt about a symbol or its meaning? Do not hesitate to interact via the live chat.

About the conference
01 November 2021
Montreal : 15:00
Paris : 21:00
Presented in English

A conference presented by


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Merci de noter que nous recevons de nombreux rêve chaque jour, et les rêves analysés sont choisis au hasard par souhait d’équité. Aussi, nous vous informerons de la date d’étude de votre rêve à partir du moment où celui-ci est sélectionné pour la préparation d’un évènement. Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension.

Les conférences en direct “Comprendre vos Rêves” ont été présentées de façon alternée en français et en anglais à chaque semaine. Merci de noter que les conférences en anglais et en français peuvent présenter des rêves différents.

You can use our search bar to find the different "Understanding your dreams"; the language will be indicated at the end of the title (except when the content is in French).

Light and books

Discover spiritual books. Getting called by a different name. And a spiritual mentor shares a story from his childhood.
