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Have you ever had a hard time? Really hard... Where you don't have the energy to get out of bed, where you've lost the meaning of your life... Do you know that it is extreme pressure that leads to depression?


Description of the conference

Have you ever had a hard time? Really hard... Where you don't have the energy to get out of bed, where you've lost the meaning of your life... Do you know that it is extreme pressure that leads to depression? We are taught mathematics throughout our education, but we were never taught that pressure + pressure + pressure = depression. No, because we consume life and consume ourselves in the process. And we get lost in the social when we don't want to see that we have lost who we are.

What if I told you about your inner world. That it is important too... And that sometimes in itself it doesn't go as fast as clicking, buying, liking, sharing... In itself everything is a question of depth. A depth that you discover by choice, or by obligation... when it comes to depression.

If you are in depression, take the time to listen to this conference, I am doing it just for you. You can listen to it one evening and even stay in your pajamas on your couch... Don't miss it, because understanding in depth what you are going through is the first step to De-pression...

Online conference presented by Kasara Di Benedetto, international lecturer, expert in symbolic language and Executive Director of the UCM Teaching & Research Center.

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About the conference
16 February 2023
Montreal : 15:00
Paris : 21:00
Presented in French

A conference presented by


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Have you ever had a hard time? Really hard... Where you don't have the energy to get out of bed, where you've lost the meaning of your life... Do you know that it is extreme pressure that leads to depression?
