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Everything we don't say (French version)

Everything we don't say (French version)


How do we manage to reveal the secrets that a person hides or those that we hide from ourselves?
Duration: 2h07
Linked Angels
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"The secrets of humanity hide the greatest mysteries...

when you have the knowledge, the right password, everything is revealed..."

When we enter into the subtlety of words, expressions, gestures... we decode deep information that is often even unconscious for the person who expresses himself... One day we understand that a simple movement of the eyes can indicate a discomfort or reveal a hidden lie...

In this profound lecture of meaning and symbolic language, we will learn:

- how to reveal the secrets that a person hides or that we hide from ourselves

- to see beyond the illusion and understand in depth the mechanisms and human functioning

- to manage with serenity the unveiling of a secret, a word or a gesture

- to decode the gestures and symbolic language, the metaphysical and subtle dynamics and all those synchronicities that surround us.

Everything we don't say (French version)

How can we manage to reveal the secrets that a person hides or those that we hide ourselves [...]



Yes, during Kasara's lecture tours, a high quality recording was able to capture these beautiful teachings.

Do you have some existential questions that you have never found the answer to? .... If so, then these podcasts are for you... 

No, Kasara's podcasts and webcasts are two different pieces of content. These are podcasts recorded during her American, Canadian, European and/or Asian tours.

This choice is made according to your affinities, your experiences, as well as your most personal questions about life, others or yourself... Find answers to your deepest questions through these magnificent podcasts covering various themes and subjects on the functioning of our consciousness, our psyche and the world in general.