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Angel 9 Haziel

"Love is stronger than anything."

Haziel is the Angel of Universal Love, who enables us to truly love, to transform all forms of negativity with kindness and goodness. He teaches us that Love is stronger than anything.


Qualities we can develop by doing the mantra with this Angel.

  • Universal Love
  • Divine Mercy
  • Gift of forgiveness, reconciliation
  • Good faith
  • Confidence, sincerity
  • Goodness that absolves all evil
  • Powerful energy that transforms all negativity
  • Support, friendship, grace, favor of the powerful
  • Promise, commitment
  • Altruism, selflessness
  • Purity of childhood


Human distortions, weaknesses that can be transformed with this Angel.

  • Difficulty loving and being loved and/or lack of love
  • Possessiveness, jealousy, passion, fear of loving and being loved
  • Hate, war, non-reconciliation
  • Hypocrite, deceives others
  • Manipulates to gain favor with the powerful
  • Resentment, malice, hostility


Dynamics and situations related to this Angel.

  • Altruism
  • Friendliness
  • Kindness
  • Detachment
  • Emotional: emotional overflow
  • Child
  • Femininity
  • Naughtiness
  • Mercy
  • Pardon
  • Possessiveness
  • Grudge
  • Resentment, feeling of revenge
  • Reconciliation
  • Recognized, feeling of not being recognized

Angel Calendar

Dates on which the Angel is manifested.

Calendar - Physical

From May 1 to 5

Calendar - Intellectual


Calendar - Emotional

January 17th 00:00 - 23:59
March 29 00:00 - 23:59
June 11 00:00 - 23:59
August 26 00:00 - 23:59
November 07 00:00 - 23:59

Learn more

Additional information on the Angel.


Related Chakras

Understanding the 72 Angels

To learn more about the 72 Angels, their meaning and how to meditate with them in a modern and spiritual way on a daily basis.


You can repeat the mantra in any way that suits you, taking into account your environment. It is a simple exercise that can be practiced in any situation: while walking, while doing sports or housework, while meditating, before falling asleep or waking up, while concentrating on a question; in difficult moments as well as in moments of happiness.
The main thing is the intention that you put into your practice, to remember to respect your own rhythm and to repeat it with a sense of the sacred...

Anything is possible of course, but depending on the environment you are in, it may be better to do it internally, in your mind.
The most important part of the mantra process is the intention that you put into your practice.

You can do the mantra for as long as you like.
The main thing is the intention that you put into your practice.

No, the main thing is the intention that you put into your practice. : )

A mantra focuses your attention and your unconscious on the intention in which you practice it. Therefore, practicing a mantra will help reprogram your memories, trigger dreams and signs, and create profound changes on all levels...

The Book of Angels

Ancestral knowledge applied to the modern era

The Angel Books are worldwide reference books and best-sellers in many countries to better understand working with Angels, the benefits it brings, and how to integrate Angelic energies into our daily lives in a modern and multi-dimensional way.
Read more about it.

Angel 9 Haziel

List of Angels